Uncle Chigurh

People forget, but Walker had outstanding defense and was a very good baserunner. This is enough to give him the edge over Vlad.

Olympic soccer sucks, I’m not sure why you’d want to emulate it.

It wasn’t a forward pass though.

I’m just surprised Schilling didn’t wear 88.

Good thing a guarantee isn’t a requirement. Only a reasonable assumption that death could occur.

Intent doesn’t matter. It’s reasonable to assume that sending heavily armed and armored men to a house believing they’re entering a hostage situation could end in casualties. This reasonable assumption is enough for, at the very least, a manslaughter charge.

Because almost everyone disagrees with you?

It has a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, I wouldn’t call that ‘mixed’ critical reviews.

Beasts of No Nation was a Netflix original and the best film of 2015.

Wouldn’t be the first child John Landis dropped on their head. At least Max survived.

I’ll save you all some time, Hamilton is a dickhead, Aaron Burr is the real hero, Hamilton is dead, everyone is relieved because they no longer have to deal with Hamilton’s bullshit.

Now playing

I think John Belushi did this bit better.

Maybe now that he’s knocking out teammates with his bullshit hits the Bengals will finally do something about Burfict.

If I’m Cam Newton I’m telling him to fuck right off.

You’re an asshole.

If it’s inconclusive then it should have been ruled a touchdown.

It clearly does though. You can see the pellets kick up off the turf when he drags his toe.

It’s Larry Walker time.

I want to know what had previously been in that shot glass.

Fusilli Jerry