Uncle Chigurh

Honestly no one gives a fuck about what you think.

Very carefully.

You were actually doing all of those things, friend. You were also red and nude and mad.

You tell us.

No. Mr. Irvin still needs his frame to snort coke off of.

Oh Mickey, your particulates are so fine, your particulates are so fine, they blow my mind.

Literally nothing you just said has any foundation in fact.

Right now. You are currently causing me misery with your bullshit.

Please, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, log off forever and never look back.

Prove it.

If you truly love other humans you’ll see your mouth shut and chop off you hands.

Please walk into the ocean and never turn back.

lol you were never promoted in the first place

Punching Nazis is good and chill.

Dark Mice

That’s nothing, I walked into a grocery store today in football pads and couldn’t remember where I got them or why I stank like Jager. Since I was there anyway, you better believe some toddlers got pancaked. NO FREE SAMPLES TODAY, BITCH! I MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE!

I’m everywhere you want to be.

Bitch I live at 1060 West Addison, come and get me.

I don’t see Jim Thorpe’s name on here anywhere.