Uncle Chigurh

Well, there isn’t a literal connection, Dude.

You’re right, shameless, inept, opportunistic, transparent panderers with no actual values beyond a love of money and power are actually good candidates.

This is actually an advance hunting technique. The dumb humans are so enamored with the cute and cuddly killing machine they allow it to roll right up to them without running away, at which point the very good and chill bear eviscerates them and bathes in their blood.

Do the other fourteen all involve JaVale?


Sound of Silence imo

He almost dropped it, but the ball managed to find its way into his Hanigan.

Kosta Koufas is the new Brian Cardinal. The dude who looks like he has no business on a basketball court.

Must be a Neera Tanden fan.

Antonio Smith once tried to kill him with his own helmet and there was much rejoicing.

Actually, he’s good at the blocking part of his job, not so good at the not getting really dumb 15 yard penalties part of his job which (along with being a massive shithead) is a contributing factor to him getting kicked off every pro and college team he’s ever played for (save for the Bills, who are the Bills.)

No D can help when your quarterback shits the bed...

Broncos fan here. Tebow never won the Broncos a playoff game. Demaryius Thomas and Ike Taylor did.

He never actually beat out Manning though. Peyton got injured and was momentarily Wally Pipped until Denver realized Brock has no idea how to read a defense and can’t see pressure coming and ditched a healthy Osweiler for the shambling corpse of Peyton Manning.

Well of course he’s not tripping people now, he’s recovering from an ankle injury.

Remember when a whole bunch of dumb assholes on this website tried to defend this asshole emotionally terrorizing his wife?



Marcelo Huertas is from Brazil. Where they speak Portugese.

lol no