Uncle Chigurh

I thought Neville Chamberlain was dead, yet here he is posting comments on Kotaku.

My grandfather shot Nazis. Spencer got off light.

You’re so woke.

Sorry buddy, but I’m judging the fuck out of you. Unless there’s a causal relationship, in which case I’d like to say thank you.

No they don’t.

I thought this was all leading up to a punchline of some sort but then I got to the pictures and holy shit this is real!

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

3. Forging emails from Bruce Reed (Neera Tanden only)


Most famously, Jake Plummer. He really didn’t much like playing football by the time he retired.

Not everyone waits until they retire.

Actually, Conan continued doing the, “In the year 2000,” bit even after the year 2000.

Really? Because the only thing it showed me is that Tom Crean is an short-tempered, impulsive rage-freak. Then again, everyone already knew that about Tom Crean.

Larry Walker deserves to be in.

Fuck you.

He’s in rarefied dickhead air in the NFL. I’d say he’s top four along with Incognito, Rivers, and Brady.

Maybe Hillary shouldn’t have colluded with Debbie Wassserman Schultz which ultimately led to DWS resigning in shame from the party leadership.

Bernie would have won every state Hillary did, plus Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. That would have given him the election. Winning Florida is not necessary, and the fact that you think it is betrays your ignorance of the subject.

Hillary has never been progressive and she still isn’t.

Killer Mike must have one hell of a tan.