Uncle Chigurh

Number three. It’s fairly obvious. No real ambiguity to speak of.

A lot of people suffered through this besides Sanduskys victims.

I know Jeff Fisher hasn’t been worth a damn for most of this century, but Steve McNair, Eddie George, Jevon Kearse, and Derrick Mason were all drafted by Fisher coached teams, and Bruce Matthews played for Fisher for eight years. #notallformerfisherplayers

taxicabs, 62

This is incorrect.

Look at this fucking guy.

Protip: Embiid is also making fun of Hinkie when he calls himself The Process.

You’re really bad at this.

There’s nothing minor about plumbing that literally fills the dugouts with shit.

Actually, no. The Coliseum is neither fully functioning nor is it perfectly fine. It is an absolute travesty and should probably be condemned. This is not an Atlanta Braves scenario. This is a Tampa Bay Rays scenario (who play in dome too small to play baseball in.)

No, he didn’t retire. He’ll snatch you up with the needle nose pliers.

That is truly wonderful. I fully expect some shithead to bean him for it in the MLB.

I named my son Rod Johnson so that on police reports and hospital intake forms his name will appear as Johnson, Rod.

He really lost his shirt on that play.

Did you just quote Garrison Keillor? How old are you?

Holy shit your opinions are awful.

fuck off

Now playing

Then who in the NFL is the baby iguana from episode one that breaks out of the snake’s death grip and outruns it up a rocky outcropping to escape?

Dumbest take yet.