
I remember a driving instructor saying once that people are just so unaware of what cars are capable of, and so over-cautious in their driving, that they would tend to run off the road into a tree rather than exceed 0.4 G laterally.

You’re surprised about time of day being a factor? Accidents are statistically more likely at night.

Lots and lots of yellow lights are set too short for their speed limits.

I did the thing for the minimum time period, saved like 6% or something because I only got a “C” on braking, turning, and acceleration, and then stopped because I didn’t want to have them knowing exactly where & when I was going places in perpetuity. Also the app was bad and chewed up my battery.

Maybe not this particular metric, but on some other systems it is.

These “hard braking/accelerating” and “aggressive turning” penalties on this and all the other “safe driving” apps bother me so much. It wouldn’t be so bad if the thresholds for “unsafe” were like twice as high. Just because I am “aggressive” in those respects doesn’t mean I am unsafe. As mentioned, 0.3 g of braking

The Expanse has been “the next Game of Thrones” for the last four years, at least critically. If the Emmys were paying any attention to it at all it would have gotten the ratings too.

Well, you’re wrong, I don’t know what to tell you.

Most likely no one will ever again make anything like the Toyota MR-2.

It also depends on how you define “car”

I didn’t know about the “less than half the posted speed limit” part. I wonder if that’s true in Virginia, where I’ve had people pass me rather dangerously in a 35 while I’m going 30...

Did you even read the law I cited? It literally says, “A citizen of the United States has a public right of transit through the navigable airspace.”

Air travel actually is codified as a “right” under title 49 of the US Code, Section 40103, subsection a, paragraph 2 [1].

I don’t know why the author kept going on about smaller batteries to go with smaller motors, as if they have some kind of association in his mind? I guess big ICEs have big gas tanks to go with them, but it’s a totally different technology. “Less range” is absolutely not going to sell anyone on buying an electric

The specific regulatory problem as I understand it is that the wording of the American rules requires that *each* individual segment of the sequence must meet the size requirement, not just the whole group. 

That rear end is just awful isn’t it? It’s like they wanted to make a wagon, someone from marketing told them not to, and ended up with the worst possible mutation of a melted Citroen Ami 6.

I really really wish there were better licensing standard in this country, and better traffic enforcement.

There are lots of people who, while you are trying to get a reasonable distance in front of the person you just passed, will just get right on your ass and squeeze through the tiny gap to pass on your right, because they simply cannot be arsed to wait another five seconds to do things safely.

It’s not the most...aesthetic implementation of a rainbow theme, no, but for taking the piss out of online trolls it’s *excellent*

Explain to me how that’s not a tax.