
Not fully a pro, but have some experience...I don’t find things here to be that incongruous. The only time you’re going to see “just” one shadow in a shoot is with natural sunlight (in fact the only kind of “natural” light there is). The minute you go into a studio or start using any kind of artificial lighting,

The funny thing is there’s lots of stories and warnings in the Bible about plagues of various sorts coming down on Israel as a result of kings and leaders doing bad shit.

I always thought so. I eat out maybe once a month (excluding holidays/travel), and I’ve wondered how so many restaurants could stay open.

No one’s going to ban cars or implement a one-car policy for decades at least. But I do worry about them levying some kind of engine-size or efficiency-based registration tax without having any sort of grandfather clause in it.

This is like my #4 policy issue I care about personally and no one ever talks about it.

Honestly a real Gallardo with 150,000 miles for $35,000 would have been a much more interesting discussion.

When I was shopping for an Aston a couple years back I saw a V8 Vantage with 100,000 miles for about 35 grand. That would have been a nice NPOCP.

This is a genius idea why doesn’t anyone do this?

I mean, you can buy an *actual* Lotus Elise for that kind of money. Which is both faster than a Saturn Sky and better-looking than a Gallardo (fight me).

Also, Moya from Farscape would fall into class 7, but Farscape is hardly “Big Question” sci-fi (no offense meant to Farscape).

Warhammer 40k

This is great! Can we get these everywhere? I would love a place to go and cock about with cars on a Sunday afternoon.

Hopefully this is the closest Koenigsegg ever gets to an SUV.

I read it more as “We are bored of speed and have so comprehensively won the speed wars that we stopped caring.

I forget exactly which car it was, I think it was my 2006 Skoda Octavia (with a gascap), but I had this same issue. Pump would keep shutting off every half-gallon or whatever at certain stations, but if I physically forced the handle upward to angle the nozzle down, it would work fine. Also worked to withdraw the

Please don’t use the words “vivisection” and “penis” in the same sentence ever again.

That *is* interesting.

Yeah, this is why some regions (I think) ban the lever-lock. And why some states mandate full-service. And why driver licensing needs way more testing involved.

Goodwood is a blast and has a lot of vintage stuff, but if you really want a vintage event, Goodwood Revival is the thing.

Lord almighty, now THAT is a sound.