But I like full-size wagons =(
“These things will spend 99 percent of their time sitting in climate-controlled garages or slowly tooling down Dubai or Beverly Hills boulevards so everyone can see that the people in them have a shitload of money”
I need to write like two checks per year. It’s usually government related. That has been dropping off though.
The Mongolia special was one of the best things Amazon ever produced, and it had very little to do with “cars”.
I feel like being in Hot Pursuit 2 should count at least a little bit.
“where were the bollards?”
I always wondered if you could use them over land, for the vast stretches of Siberia and/or Kansas that are just flat and boring. I imagine infrastructure is more likely to get in the way than over water, and you can’t exactly set down just anywhere.
I mean, it’s right in the name.
yeah but moving blows goats.
I’m shopping for almost the exact same thing he is. Apparently there’s two choices for CPO wagons under $15k: Kia Soul (which is NOT a wagon, despite what every search filter says), or Jetta Sportwagon.
You say this all like it’s HIS fault they don’t make stick shift wagons anymore.
“Theoretically, if you’re in a dedicated turn lane, everyone should know your next move.”
The ‘72 map is missing the Dunlop Bridge turns as well...
Tax credits are great & all, but EV adoption is never going to really take off until there’s a charging solution for renters.
Lots of people use track days to practice for their next race event, but yeah I wouldn’t call “not pushing 110% all the time” a “track day mistake.”
I had the opportunity once to drive a formula car at a Skip Barber school once, and it had a sequential race transmission. It remains the most satisfying transmission I’ve ever used. It had a certain weight to actuating it without actually feeling like it had a lot of mass. Hard to describe, kind of. In a way it was…
Yeah, at least the Aston is worth something, and will be later. Still, it shouldn’t have broken down like that at 20k miles. Everything I read about them said the engines were pretty solid, but there’s little to do about it after the fact except write the check (or sell for $45k).