
I haven’t asked but that could be a contributing factor?

It’s supposed to have LIDAR or similar sensors which detect obstacles in front of it - whether or not they’re illuminated. Part of the point of these autonomous vehicles is that they’re supposed to have better ways to detect potential problems than a human driver, and this shows that wasn’t the case.

You continue to be a fan and i will continue being the man.

Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

Is anyone really surprised by this list? I’m not. That’s why people buy these cars. They certainly don’t buy them for excitement or performance.

I was gonna say, is FastPass available for this ride?

Holy crap! Why are you still on the lift? Abandon ship! Abandon ship!

Jesus, the person in the red coat riding at that point just disappears into the tangled wreckage.

But did he lead off with Whoa Black Betty?

a mentalist (just a made-up term for a magician)

Teddy Valentine is a made up, Hallmark ref.

“It’s totally unfair!! I was trying to talk rationally with them but they basically turned.......their.....back.....on.........

Yeesh indeed. I’ll take my chances on motorcycles, thankyouverymuch.

You really showed that Strawman!

You puritanical squares may want him suspended, but I personally don’t have any problem with pepperoni pizza.

“I need some fucking help with formulating yes/no questions. Right now.”

Question 3:

If you answered yes to your first question, you clearly didn’t understand the question.

Mostly because #1 is not a yes or no question!

Fuck, he might as well have not been sitting there”
“He fucking might as well have not been sitting there”
“He might fucking as well have not been sitting there”
“He might as fucking well have not been sitting there”
“He might as well fucking have not been sitting there”
“He might as well have fucking not been sitting