
All of these companies, however, work for Jason, and delay games at his every whim.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but unlike Western child porn, these girls used to be offered modelling contracts to shoot gravure and nude videos (and paid accordingly), in which their private parts are censored as in any other Japanese pornographic material.

No, I didn’t listen. Didn’t pretend to listen. Between Kotaku and io9, however, half of the articles are about whitewashing/under-representation/racism/sexism/etc so I figure my over-under on being correct is better than a Major League batting average. Just kind of over the whole thing after getting kicked down to the

The sooner we all realize that everything is sexist/racist/genderist/specist the sooner was can accept that nothing is worth being created and simply wait for the inevitable end. Seems the be the only way to make some people happy.

Quit saying ARCore is Google’s answer to ARKit. Google had an AR platform long before ARKit was released. If anything, ARKit was Apple’s answer to Project Tango. You are a tech blogger, do your job right.

You’re still missing the point.

They also released a study concluding that if you read this article and then immediately toss out their data to insist that, no, actually you stream new music all the time because you are a very knowledgeable music person, you are missing the point entirely to be insufferable.

How is it the wrong article? The video posted in this article includes this very question, and the last line of the article itself touches on it, too.

Just tell the communist party that pubg is being used to spread anti government propaganda in chat. Problem solved.

Shit talk is unnecessary if you have real talent and reveals shortsightedness and a shallow mind

Sore winner

I never understood why people think Toad’s head is a hat. If Mario’s human (which has also been brought unto question) then Toad’s clearly something else. And if their kingdom is constantly getting ransacked, and there are a lot of native mushrooms, it would make sense that they developed their heads as a form of

You know, I wish that every time something like this happened you could find the people responsible and ship them off-planet.

I agree that this isn’t the year, but we can’t whitewash him out of the history of video games. I know it’s hard to have nuanced discussions about these things, but we can’t really have a society where everyone is judged by the worst thing they have ever done. People are good and bad, people learn, people make

So the cars doing donuts in the streets weren’t caught. The people shooting fireworks at the helicopter weren’t caught. The people shooting firearms weren’t caught.

Yeah but Victorian 18 is, like, present-day 31.

Pretty much my point, though, isn’t it? You can claim that ‘quite a few’ would purchase it anyway, but that doesn’t matter on a case by case basis - you would have to prove individually that each person would, without a doubt, have purchased the product [at that price; this is important as well] otherwise in order to

Also, a philosophical question: if you had the power to create an exact copy of any object you touched, no matter how large or complex, without needing any additional energy input... are you stealing the objects you copy?

My biggest problem with software ‘piracy’ is that calling it theft is a misnomer in the first

Pretty much exactly what I think. You act like it’s wrong to hold personal philosophy in higher regards than corporate fuckery.

Reasons I will pirate video games: