If it was identical, maybe.
If it was identical, maybe.
So what you’re saying is don’t bother buying a Switch because they’d rather roll out f2p money makers... gotcha.
Exactly. That’s why I haven’t pulled the trigger on the Switch. I played exactly 1 game on my Wii U, which was BotW.
I would imagine (if you wear clean socks all the time) your feet are cleaner than your crotch.
They don’t think that. They KNOW they can do that.
I used to look for free washing machines online to strip for parts. I’d make fire pits out of the tubs, but I had to stop.
That’s what you’re supposed to do, yes.
I dated a girl who never washed below her chest in the shower. Her theory was that the soapy water will run down and clean everything else..
I imagine you’ve been vigilant enough to never have left wet clothes in the washer for extended periods of time.
It’s got its good points, like the Xbox-style staggered analog stick layout and one piece d-pad
The current version, I want to say it’s flawless
I hated when my mom would ask me that. My default answer was always “Fine.”
Playing it feels a lot like being invited to loud, garish party that you leave feeling just okay.
I enjoyed the hell out of that race.
I still don’t quite understand what it is.
They should take a note from WoW’s book.
Shutting down the trackers was the reason I stopped playing, and this was the only F2P game I’ve ever spent money on.
I would use it for piracy, but not for Switch games. I just want a high quality, portable emulation machine.
It might be time to invest in a Switch before they change the hardware.
Not unusable friend. Emulators will save your tortured soul.