
“Ice Ice Baby” is pretty different from”Under Pressure” but you can bet your ass Queen and Bowie got that writing credit.

I knew a kid named Sir Diamond.

That means she’s better.

Shit, I’m a Not-Mexican atheist and I think she sounds like a real cool lady.


Feel the same way when I see people wearing crucifixes as necklaces.

“All your voter base are belong to us”

If your friend was/is into The Wire, I recommend watching it as a companion series. Shit, Aiden Gilles plays the same character in both shows.

The closer we get to Sunday, the more anxious I get about about season 7 shitting the bed. I’m pumped for action and fantasy and the beginning of the end game, just please don’t totally fuck it up guys. Sansa is my biggest worry. Disagreements between adults is normal. If she’s just contrarian because she’s butthurt

I imagine he’s on autopilot at this point. He’s a facsimile of Beric. Looks like him, sounds like him, has the same goal but is essentially a shell. I hope he and Jon have a moment.


Did any of those arrows hit you in the knee?

The Dornish put a bolt through a dragon’s eye, killing it instantly and the rider upon impact. (RIP Rhaenys and Meraxes) But I guess they’re cool like that.

I get it, but you know why he’s named that right?

He’s a horny guy!

Now playing

Rose Leslie did, in fact, move in. From King Crow himself:

And Rhaegar killed Lyanna when he “plunged his sword into her”, metaphorically speaking. *wink wink*

“You can’t prove my theory is wrong!”

Now playing

This is a much better video. More in-depth and analytical. Also, Alt Shift X is great.

I was thinking more along the lines of “the afterlife is wonderful and boning is totally a great way to show devotion. Also it makes demonic smoke babies.”