
Also in his defense, P-Stew is great.

Not all, just mostly.

Christina Owen, one of the founders of Yes All Daughters, posted this on her FB page earlier today:

I ask this in both awe and kindness: How are you alive!?! Truly, you are a testament to the endurance of our species.

I really dig the “head wrapped in a plastic bag” look in the first photo. I think it speaks to the suffocating nature of both the bridal industrial complex and the institution of marriage.

iTunes or Amazon.

It is! Madmartigan is bae.

He looks better with dark hair anyway.

“A hell of a lot better than this is.”

Most of my jewelry is just pretty stuff that I enjoy wearing. There are those pieces that have deep, emotional connections though. For a stranger to claim that as theirs, if only temporarily, is a severe breach of intimacy. It would be like asking a stranger about their most painful memory and then insinuating

It’s mostly an umbrella term that describes a lot of theologies/practices/beliefs/etc. that roughly relate to one another.

If he doesn’t make it to the Supreme Court, he could always open a day care!

This is a point of contention between the husband and I. Ketchup is only acceptable on a hotdog if you are under the age of thirteen. And you better plan on packing a suitcase before you put that ketchup on that corn dog.

Well, duh! When a guy helps you out, you are required to do him a sex.

I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Varys tells Dany about this guy who has been declared King in the North and that it’s actually a really good thing for their team and that she should bone him.

I was wondering the other day what Dany is going to do about an heir. Like, all this trouble and she can’t have babies to take over. Maybe the Lord of Light gave Jon some super magic spunk.

Almost invisible Batman is best Batman.

I still have a sliver of hope but I will definitely be paying close attention to trailers/promo material leading up to it.