That’s the ol’ reptile brain talkin’
That’s the ol’ reptile brain talkin’
Did someone from the GoT fandom hurt you?
Is this a super harmful cult where you have to kill yourself eventually while wearing ugly shoes
Check out the Raelians.
Fuck. Yes!
When we started training a couple months before the festival, there wasn’t a helmet that fit me. My jousting partner and I attempted to fabricate one, partially from scratch and partially from existing pieces. My parter, who is an experienced armorer, was in charge of making the new visor (the part that goes over the…
I jousted without a helmet. Armor everywhere else. No helmet.
I’ve seen a few tweets suggesting Mrs. Cruz should divorce his ass. That would be rich.
Shit, and people are already talking about gasoline’s days being numbered
Germany, please. I haven’t been to Scotland yet.
If the Olympics have taught us anything, it’s that black people are very fast. He was actually going to run away from her, circumvent the globe, and then get her from behind.
The only sense I can make of the original statement is that she’s a sacrifice from the perspective of the Tulsa PD. “People are gonna want blood otherwise we’ll be dealing with this for months! Throw her under the bus!”
Alright, I’m an asshole:
Yup. You want to “fix” your face? Go ahead. I probably will at some point. But there’s a point when you aren’t “fixing” anymore.
This is why you always practice beforehand.
My first thought when I opened this article was, “Please, Megan, stop cutting up your face.”