No it isn’t! XD
No it isn’t! XD
Go up a couple threads. There are images of her other works, including a mural with faces that are spot on with what is on the t-shirt. I wasn’t sold at first either but now I am.
Right? The background is far more damning than the words/font. I could see a lawyer arguing around the latter but not the former.
Thanks! (Curse you, Latin and German and your unhelpful third gender!)
Whenever I read that, my brain wants to pronounce the X. Go ahead. Try it, everyone!
Not Asian enough, apparently.
I liked her tweet about “just a reminder that this all started because of salad dressing.” She made a passing observation about the word “oriental” and it was ripped right out of her hands by her followers.
I tried it in the 80s but it almost destroyed my kidneys. Thanks, Mom.
I think that you are yanking our chains...
Re: Katie Holmes
I'd settle for fear.
Deep-frying is the Rule 34 of food.
Rain Florence is another gem. According to her, your pop shouldn’t have much form to it.
It is totally a real thing. Visit a state fair ASAP!
I wonder what the profit margin is on these “charitable” sunglasses. I should start a buy one, give one business.
This is the best Drunk History skit.
I am a Not Rich with horses who hopes to do some of this stuff someday. That being said...these people are fucking weirdos. I’m talking the uber-wealthy riders who think of horses like cars.
Give it 24 hours in the fridge to mellow.
She looks like a carnival caricature portrait of a person.
On a related note: You can now order Ecto Cooler from Amazon.