

Where my money, Marvel?

I don’t presume to know how this poor woman wound up in that terrifying situation. Floods, especially flash floods, are no joke. Water will kick your ass. So please, please, please, avoid flooded roads if you come across one. Turn the eff around and just find another way. It's not worth the risk.

...Hadn't noticed what? What did I say? 0_0

I have a 4 y/o Perch/Paint that I’m hoping to make into an eventer.

I do dressage on a 1600lb. Perch/Belgian. She was free and she is the love of my life. I mean, fuck it, why not do draft eventing?

And shit! Dressage is only 1/3 of the overall sport! The other 2/3 are crazy dangerous!

And don't forget (if someone hasn't mentioned it) the only sport where men and women compete against each other directly and equally.

A short addendum: Think about spending a day in a pool or a lake and how exhausted you are when you finally go home. Floating around in water and riding a horse (just at a walk) require constant small muscle adjustments to move with and against the water/animal. So even when you’re doing “nothing” you’re actually

Taylor, I ain't made at you girl. You get that ass. Tom, I don't blame you. Shit, she's got great legs. Enjoy fucking each other.

I’m going to just take a stab here...Olymipic swimming is fast and variable. The races are over within a couple minutes and the next race could be something different. Also no smell, sounds, or humidity.

Its just an extra layer of awesome on this Olympic cake for people who aren’t white. Woman? Hell yes! America? Fuck yeah! Not a white person? Holy shit!

I’ve been so pissed at NBC this entire week.

Chris threesome.

She is our avatar.

To be fair, it wasn’t the hospitals fault he got stuck. Shit happens, ya know? Maybe today they would have seen something before the final stages of labor set in and the whole thing could be prevented. In my mom’s case, being in the hospital was good. In this poor woman’s case, it was the very antithesis of good.

My brother (born in 1970, fwiw) had to be repositioned in order to clear the birth canal, which meant pushing him back in enough for his head to get unstuck from my mom’s pelvis. But that involved patient consent, two doctors, and anesthesia. BTW, everyone was a-okay though my dad says it looked like my brother had

They're basically breath mints.

Well it ain’t called the “Mildly Interesting Toa- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.

That’s dumb.