
I think we’ll see him in Black Panther. Further, I think Steve still has a chance of getting capped...yuk yuk...between now and Infinity War. Still holding out for Bucky!Cap in IW Pt.1. (Beyond that, I hope he isn’t a long-term replacement. Love him as Bucky and I want to see him pick up the shield like burning...and

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Here’s a good interview. Skip to the middle for the good questions. The first half is pretty standard movie-related stuff.

This is the best.

My take from Civil War is that he’s not meant to be in cryo for long, just long enough for T’Challa’s medical/scientific think-tank to sort his brain out (because comic book science!)

I’m crossing my fingers for more Falcon/WS goodness in Black Panther. (Gaaahhh!!! February 2018!!!!)

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I first heard of HGB because of They Might Be Giants. Now I know more about her!

And the Uzi, the TEC-9, the RPG launcher, and 12 knives.

While I enjoy the mop, I cannot wait until they clean his ass up. If there isn’t a make-over montage in Black Panther, so help me!

In her totally biased defense, Kevin continues to be amazed how Harley is not an asshole given her paternity.

Fair enough. And I certainly don’t expect you or anyone to love this movie forever and ever. My comment was not a critique on your opinion, rather that you might be a bit premature in your statement. “Multiple viewings” generally indicates several - let’s say 4 or more - viewings over a span of time greater than 72

Isn’t that strange how that happens sometimes? And it’s not necessarily dependent on when the movie came out. Some jokes always get a laugh. Some are hit-and-miss. Granted, I didn’t guffaw at Mr. Parker but he did get a couple warm chuckles out of me.

Bucky rides machine gun or grenade launcher, never shotgun. :-D

I demand a BTS featurette!

Having seen Civil War twice already- I’ve got to say it was still awesome....

I did notice and appreciate how it sounded when BW hit/kicked people in this movie. Even mentioned it to my husband on the way home from the theater.

I really hope he isn’t cast as Lestat. 1) Too old. 2) Utterly distasteful.

Yeesh! I just realized what a free-loader Steve is. When he’s not drawing a salary from the government, he’s mooching off of billionaires. ;-)

And on top of that, he takes Bucky in, promising to help and protect him. T’Challa is...he’s the real deal.

I’m not quite ready to jump on the “luuuuurv” train just yet. I’m totally open to the I am the idea that he thought Lyanna was pretty and decided to snatch her up. Either way. She was quite a bit younger than Rhaegar, though. It could be completely possible that she *did* consent but because of her age, had

So I forgot about the whole changing faces thing for a second and imagined something out of Silence of the Lambs.