
1) Investment in the previous film’s story and characters. CA:TWS sorta came out of nowhere for me as I wasn’t big on Cap. It’s now my favorite MCU movie. So I want to see how the events of that film play out in this one.

The high pitched noise you hear is me.

Nah. I’m going all in with Future King of Westeros. (Prooooobably not gonna happen but meh.)

I was raising the same point that Charlie does about half-way through the article about the Sokovia Accords being short-sighted with regard to the oh-so-many gifted individuals running around in the MCU. I just got too excited and blew my question load before I got all the way through.

Comment/Question removed due to poster not reading the entire column before posting about it.

I really liked Deadpool, btw, partially because it didn’t shy away from how he acquired his abilities. It was a refreshing change from the relatively quick magic wand waving in other origin stories. That being said, it made me cringe quite a bit. (I’m always reminded of Saving Private Ryan in these situations.) So

It’s too bad we won’t get into the nitty-gritty of the Winter Soldier’s “creation”. It’s just that I loved that whole sequence in Deadpool *so much* and really want to see more medical torture.

This is why Alton Brown is important.

I’m also a big fan of their salad dressing.

Wow! Slaves wore designer sandals?!

I ship this so hard.

Yes, but she’s making statements about the supposed health of models *now*. It’s like the Born Again Christian throwing shade at us decrepit sinners without acknowledging that, day before yesterday, they were one of us. The less ass-hat approach would be, “As a someone who once helped sell cigarettes, I think it’s

Okie, here.

Check out “Hark, A Vagrant”.

Comic Bros: This is what Agent Carter should be like!

Same problem. One minute I’m thinking about how many great ladies there are in this show and the next I’m thinking about Hayley Atwell’s cleavage.

Time to unleash the clone of Eleanor Roosevelt. Prepare for floral dresses!

Hate everyone. Make exceptions.