
My best friend misused her adderall and her xanax, didn’t take her anti-depressants and wound up killing herself. My ex’s wife recently died from a drug-induced seizure (probably addy). People pooh-pooh it but it will fuck your shit up.

We are all ocean scum.

Sadly, I am not very familiar with WW beyond just the basics.

I don’t know who the red-head it but her ensemble is rad.

That grey is au naturale.

I’m in the process of catching up before Civil War. Ha ha! I knew those rat bastards had their hands in things before WWII!

It would not surprise me in the lease if there were inklings of Hydra even before Red Skull. Maybe it was just this nebulous thing and then crystallized with the rise of Hitler.

If you have not read the books, this becomes a major theme in the second book. She and Jamie are right on the political front line of this revolution and she’s constantly debating her position. (BTW, Dragonfly in Amber is my favorite book of the series. Also, the title is a great metaphor for Clair.)

And how.

And yet...I still kinda dig it?

Could that baby look any more like Ice-T?

As a fellow LOST lover, I acknowledge the ending was...not well done. That doesn’t mean I didn’t cry all the way through it.

My bet all along has been that that Bucky agrees to take up the shield in order to fight Thanos but, like in the comic, feels kinda gross about the whole thing. After Steve is resurrected and Thanos is toast, Sam gets the shield.

But there’s also the mystery of why Bucky Barnes/the Winter Soldier is coming up to Tony in his regular day clothes and trying to kill him. Assassination attempt?

Ignore this reply. *shrug* Thought you were going one direction, I went another.

Unfortunately we have some sad news to share.

My hope is that things will be very conflicted and murky with both sides presenting solid points but failing to grasp some larger picture. Hell, I think it would be interesting to see IM win the “war” but at the cost of something like Cap’s death. Way to go, dude! Your point is totally valid and now a good man is

I don’t know if I see it but I am completely open to this possibility.

I’m hoping this turns out to be a case of neither side being entirely right. Like, sure, they both have good points but their heads are so far up their asses they can’t hope to find a common ground. And then Cap dies or something terrible like that and snaps everyone out of it. And then Vision is all like, “I totally