
If I’m going out of town for more than a couple of days or traveling abroad, there is a 2-week regiment I follow to prepare my bowels. I once sat on a toilet in Germany for 30 minutes in agony because I hadn’t pooped in 5 days.

But a spoiled boy with a much further reach. Think quality (Ramsey) vs. quantity (Joffrey).

I don’t know too many cats who are keen on clothing either. Sure, people put dresses on their cats...and their cats hate them for it.

I assume through some white-walker ass kicking.

I touched on this in another reply I made but it’s worth repeating. Early help would have made a world of difference for this young woman. She could have had all those months to practice the skills she would need. But it wouldn’t surprise me at all if she only saw an OB-GYN a couple of times before she gave birth, if

Not to mention prenatal care or parenting classes *before* she gave birth. The article does not discuss anything that happened while she was pregnant but I’m willing to bet there was a whole lot of NOTHING.

Oh, not this guy? Never mind then.

Me Luna cups offer different levels of flexibility with their cups, if you are wanting more options to consider.

I recommend Me Luna because they have so many options: size, flexibility, handle, and color. I’m very happy with mine, though I do still leak occasionally. That probably has more to do with fit than the cup itself.

It’s a tough call given the sort of k-hole level speculation involved.

Or nothing. *wink wink*

My money is still on Bucky!Cap for Infinity war Pt. 1 and then Steve!Cap coming in to seal the deal in Pt. 2. Once Thanos is dead, Steve gives the shield to Sam then Steve and Bucky buy a nice brownstone in Brooklyn.

Or he just got wise. ;-)

But you know it’s not that simple. Bucky Barnes fell off that train and died. The “person” who was resurrected by Hydra was just Bucky’s meat suit. No memories, no personality, just a machine programmed to carry out assigned tasks. If Bucky went to trial, I don’t think there is any way they could actually convict him,

I don’t see it as him wanting to rebel against regulation but as resisting what is (in his view) another soon-to-be corrupt organization. Shield took tech from Stark and the Chitari and we got Project Insight. The Accords are going to wind up as the world’s Super Police, bullying anyone who doesn’t go along with what

They’re bastard people. Bastard people with ass faces.

Always and forever.

Probably caused from constant reapplication. I always know which of my students use EOS because they can’t keep the damn things away from their faces!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ms. Badu with her hair down. O_O