

Patty Hearst might disagree with you.

Same for kittens/puppies.

It will now.

No worries! Kylie Lip kits are easy to come by!

Amen. Supernatural is not without its problems but Jensen Ackles is not one of them.


I watched “Alive” for the first time this weekend and was pretty underwhelmed by the cannibalism.

I would eat a human before I at my horses. And I’m 100% okay with this.

I’m always a sucker for a compelling actor, regardless of looks. I watched the first season of Sherlock and was hooked. I’ve enjoyed most of his work since, though my affections have waned somewhat.

Well, everyone, I would say that it’s been swell except that it hasn’t. Our demise can’t come soon enough.

“Since You Been Gone” by Weird Al

I say get a woman to be Tom. If you have to go different - and I completely agree about Kevin Murphy - go *really* different. I think it would lend itself well to Tom’s debonair disposition.

I don’t know if I’m going to make it to Dec. 18th for a Civil War trailer...assuming it’s even running before Force Awakens. I’m wasting away.

Oklahoma is talking about it. :-(

Learned something new today: Uppity has racial connotations. I was honestly unaware.

I think of all the Okies who fled to escape the Dust Bowl...and now it is finally getting its revenge!

I feel like Brendan Fraser needs to be around more. Like, just as a presence in our lives.