
Wait - Are you saying “Hail to the king, baby!” or “Hail to the King Baby!” Because I think it works either way.

I kinda want Arya to magically age 10 years so they can get it on.

Apocalypse? Not a problem.

Um. So this is the first time I’ve ever seen anything from Dianetics and...Shit. Is it just me or are these obviously the ravings of a disturbed mind? Like, all I can picture is a disheveled man walking around a city park, ranting and raving at no one in particular.

This is the episode that really cemented the core of what TNG would become.

I remember so clearly the first time I read this scene. Bricks were shat.

Case in point: Midichlorians.

So I finally watched this and ... yeah. Pretty spot on.

I wouldn’t put it past them.

Tell me how you really feel, bruh.

Thanks. I blame the oversight on Friday Afternoon Brain.

Oh, thank Christ.

Next year: Bracket style voting!

Oh shit. The raptors are ON the motorcycles? *facepalm*

I was discussing the trailer with some of my students yesterday and came to a sad realization: The prequels - ignoring their multitude of problems - really don’t add anything to one’s understanding or appreciation for the original trilogy. I’m having difficulty coming up with an appropriate comparison to express the

Radio Voice: For all you umbilical needs, trust “Wharton’s Jelly”!

I won’t stand for their ilk.

Do you regret saying that because you actually married him and it was terrible?

Brown diamands are a sham anyway.