
We should never have let US bills look the same for as long as they have/did. There is some sort of collective assumption that our money must look one way and that’s it, forever, amen. Sure, leave George on the $1, but rotate the others every 5, 10 years. And, sweet lord, do you remember how people lost their shit

Indeed, it was a tough call. I went with Tubman for chronilogical seniority and for facing the greatest physical risk given the time period.

From the blouse description: “So you’re basically wearing a work of art.”

I’m going to just put this out here because the more I hear/read about Misha Collins, the more I kinda love him. And I’m hoping that some of you here might get a kick out of this.

She is Oklahoma’s Dolores Umbridge.

As an Okie, I can also confirm that it is not.

Favorite moment. I felt it coming and was not disappointed. It's such a beautiful metaphor for "fuck. this. shit. *bleargh*"


That is way too close to her Lady Parts.

Yo, dawg...

I’d say anything abnormal for your relative that 1) can’t be explained away by a specific external cause and 2) persists for more than a couple of weeks. Vague, I know.

I vaguely remember a “rebrand” back in the late 90s when I was in HS. I had officially grown out of juniors and was trudging into “womens” sizes, which meant most of the stuff available was intended for someone’s antiquated idea of how a middle-aged grandmother should dress. I’d grown up going to LB with my mom and

re: Cousin —->*facepalm*

Back when post-credit scenes were becoming the thing, people compared them to encores at concerts. Once upon a time, it was a special bonus only afforded to some. Now concert audiences expect the encore. They're written as part of the show. Now we sit through 5-10 minutes of dead time to see the whole package. But,

This book immediately popped into my brain when I read the headline. Such a good - but disturbing - book.

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I like my students. I like seeing them dressed up. They like seeing me dressed up.

I’m with you. I like holding on to things.