
Funny, I thought it was English and liberal arts majors that was the constant here. Granted, they can be those things as well.

Barack Obama: Stoned president or stoned-est president?

Did "The Hot Hands Of An Oslo Dentist" win anything?


It looks like Happy Days In Space, and instead of the Diner guy, we get Woody in a hoodie. Glad Hanes is a multi galaxy brand. And Chewie becomes either Alf or Snarf.

That's why I gave him a B in the ring. He's smooth. But he doesn't exactly backflip when taking a clothesline. And out of the ring. Hmm. Meh. I'd like to see him and Steven Seagal in an "act-off".

The late 00s were such a lousy period for WWE. And Randy Orton flourished in it. He's never been more than a C on the mic, at best. And a B in the ring. Did he ever really amaze with his in ring prowess? And now he's main eventing again. Great, thanks for the consolation prize Vince, I'm sure you enjoyed the

That was a very good promo by Mickie. I hope she can deliver somewhat in the ring still. Great to have her back. Also, she helps make Alexa Bliss not look tiny.

There Will Be Blood felt, to me, like a PT Anderson tribute to Stanley Kubrick.

Well, that's nice. That's the only part of that movie I'd like to remember, but woe is me.

There's a generational divide that I became aware of a short time ago. People my age, who remember Beavis and Butthead when it was brand new, I'm pretty sure, defined "chode" or maybe "choad" as the space between your scrotum and your anus, a la man-taint. And I do believe there is film evidence to support that

Raw sucks because Paul Frenchie is holding Mick Foley hostage. He's jealous, still, that Foley could carry a company as a good guy and Paul never could and never can or will.

I assume that's the "Panderin'" song? Yeah, that pretty much nails it.

I don't know, but I also didn't know that Thurston Moore joined AFI, or that he was a New Order fan.

Now, watch this drive..

I, and every coworker I have with an opinion, think Gold Star is better, sir. Skyline is too sweet. And the best in Cincinnati is actually Dixie Chili. Though I have not had Empress Chili, which I understand to be the original.

This review has a nice quip. Roman Reigns. Dull Delivery. That's an audience sign in the making.

You can't just enjoy snark for snark? I'm a huge Trent fan and I enjoyed the shit out of reading this.

But Trent, Lady Gaga made a country album!

I will take it. On both counts. At least I'm low-key, unlike Phish fans. And not terribly stupid, like Coldplay fans.