
No, Pam's drifting episode in season 4 was the worst, far and away.

What, four hours later and nobody heard the domestic violence rumors leveed at two members of the band? Not to say I heard them from a reputable journalist, far from it.

It was. And I believe at that point it was supposed to come back on in January, as it had done many, many times. Perhaps Reed and Thompson negotiated to keep it on FX?

Passed the big math test sounds like a perfectly good euphemism for death.

The Tool fans that really like APC are probably roughly the same group who didn't like 10000 Days. And probably didn't get Lateralus much either. They want another Sober or 46 & 2. Also, fuck them.


Many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many more women who visited supermarkets flicked their bean while thinking of George Michael.

Do they trill the R?

Nice pairing there, Arizona and New Hampshire.. One I have a predisposed assumption about their diet, and .. well.. the other one I was thinking they ate a lot of root vegetables, broccoli, etcetera, and that they were pretty regular, actually.

Huh. Gonna have to look into this Rogue game. There was an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game for Intellivision, probably one of the best games for the system, that had randomization of dungeon shape. It was suspenseful as hell. I'm guessing from the graphics that Rogue predates it by a few years.

Because you're British! Well, at least hopefully you are. If you're an American Whovian, EXTERMINATE!!

South Park was at its best in season 8. And started to peak in season 5. Though its impact in season 1 and 2 can't be discounted. Even as then it was really crass, and did quickly nearly everything Family Guy has done in its 15 or whatever years.

You were hoping she got switched out for George Michael, admit it already, you uh, gay homophobe.

Well, you can make that case no matter what, it just depends on what level you make the threshold of celebrity. I think everybody under the age of 35 already forgot that Zsa Zsa Gabor died.

Well dang. I'd fuck 54 year old Madonna, but not her corpse. Not even her Vogue era corpse. Ah, who am I kidding, I was 10 years old, of course I would have.

I'm wondering if I'll get more Archer first or more Rick And Morty. Pretty stoked for both. A lot of people have said Archer is past its prime, but those guys are fucking smart, they'll come up with some good twists on the formula. Zero chance they put out a bunch of crap.

I'm happy to have finally heard that. Yeah, that sucked. And Starfuckers Inc. was the second worst, only because the rest of The Fragile is pretty great.

I like the imagery there, but in video game lore, a Reznor is a little fire-breathing rhinoceros in Super Mario World.

What, the Angry Birds movie? I doubt that even it had the wooden dialogue of Episode II. I hate to quote the president-elect, but.. WRONG.

Star Wars Episode II is the worst movie ever made, dollar for dollar. It's just true, people. I and III are on the list too, yes.