
It's like, King of the planets!

So is Anakin, I mean Hayden Christensen.

Ah come on, Eric Harris deserves at least one of those slots.

Like the security briefing in 2001 to Condoleeza that said "Bin Laden determined to attack inside U.S. using commercial jetliners"?

That's exactly what I wanted to hear from somebody. Shields didn't deviate near enough.

So close to a haiku.

Fake boobs are disgusting, yes.

I used the Coca Cola Pepsi comparison a few times myself, and hate me for it, but it was the 90s, and Nintendo and Sega also could be called WWF and WCW. Sega attacked Nintendo in a similar manner (with their "Blast Processing" commercials) to how WCW was always on about how they were "Where The Big Boys Play", to

No, you're thinking of Nelly

Nice to see from the photo that she joined MGMT in the meantime.

Filthy Friends mighta came right after BuckTucker. Or I just watched Idiocracy too many times.

Is it any wonder?

Left 4 Ted

What side does draping the British Flag on The Who land on?

Yes, the new modern picture of reasonable is selling t shirts with the blue states labeled "Dumbfuckistan".

If he had one iota of anything resembling shame, he'd have killed himself a long time ago. Too bad the hepatitis didn't win that battle.

Yes, and if kids didn't complain about being bullied, most of us wouldn't know that bullying at school existed.

I'm pretty sure Officer Barbrady spelled out Trey and Matt's take on Ayn Rand. They're not verbatim right-wingers nor are they as soulless as people think. They do have an aversion to ideologue activism from either side of the spectrum, and I've always thought that was commendable. The truth usually does fall

A number of years back, Linkin Park apparently released a guitar-free album, went heavy on the electronic, and there was a song about Building It Up, Just To Break It Back Dowwwwaawwwooowwn. I heard it, and I realized that Chester Bennington probably was a fan of Depeche Mode at some point. The production and drum

It looks like a pig's ass down there!