
Jeezus Chreebus, yep, that's a picture of a hobbit.

Styx has some of the worst ubiquitious music there is. However, Mr Roboto and Too Much Time On My Hands are amusing enough that Styx becomes considerably better than many 3rd wave grunge bands, like Puddle of Mudd and Staind.

Gee, an Arab Spring upends 8 countries and there's a boondoggle in Libya and that means Hillary is an imperialist. Is it the CIA backed rebels in Syria? What the fuck are you talking about? Yes, under hubby Billy, we had a LOT of foreign interventions. She's definitely establishment material and won't get in the

He was, too fat, too fat, for Trump.

MANY Trump supporters. Far from all. But yeah, wow, nice name, Common Sense Guy.

Cold canned goods. Spinach, asparagus, peas, greens, salmon, tuna, beans.

If I didnt know, I'd be betting that was in the AVC year end list of band names.

I'm writing in Harambe.


I cracked up at their cheap shot at Family Guy and at the Rickroll. But it was a weak episode in a season that started off amazing.

That was Pod People for me, but I do love that episode.

I thought the opposite, I thought that public seats were open so that "tuckers" or "stuffers" could rest easier knowing their dicks wouldn't flex up and hit the front of the seat.

see also: proximity to one's own asshole, especially while clothed

If his dick had a nose, he could bury that nose farther inside a pussy. I assume that is his logic.

So how often does that happen? Ever since Disqus took over this motherfucker, I've had intermittent problems logging in. I've been able to switch browsers sometimes, on my phone or laptop, and gotten things to work for a while. But it's been a crapshoot. Sick of it. So I just rebooted my disqus account. And if I

I can deal with no more affordable Mexican Beer. Much as Bohemia and Dos Equis have fueled many memorable times over many years.

Ah don't lie, you drove that 12 hours in Texas because you needed an abortion.

I don't think social media is to blame. At all. Blame a machine of smearing in politics that clearly existed in January 1993. Blame a lot of change in thinking about social equality that frightens a lot of people. Blame a nation of Munchausens. Blame overpriced secondary education and health care systems. Blame

Hitlary? Was that the character's name in the show?

Reigns is just awful. No range of emotion, not a clever tag line to be had. Ooh, I called Sheamus a tater tot! Now that's funny! I think I'll say it eight more times!