
I was always on the fence about that until he and Marnie had sex to their own music.

Anyone who says Bobby M is funny is a flat out liar.

And from the billiard shorts episode: "Vanity thy name is.. Well, I didn't catch his name".

There's nothing funny about vapor lock

hm I think I like that one actually. Especially when Homer throws those (whatever they are) at the car in a strop but accidentally smashes the back window, that honestly cracks me up every time.

ugh I absolutely hate that episode. I used to be of the opinion that every Simpsons episode, no matter how bad, at least has one good moment. I can't think of any on "Simpson Tide". Same with that one from Season 9 too where they all join the cult.

'Homer no.. you'll kill us all!

"my theory is.. Skinner likes dog food!"

As a youngish viewer too, I thought it was one of the funniest episodes. I still think it's funny (especially the whole scene in the car where more and more characters are revealed) but that whole Skinner-isn't really Skinny- thing is beyond dumb of course.

I was 8 and they were the first band I liked.

RTRWRA still gets plenty of play from me. I actually wish they put it out when they were the big thing, people would have remembered it better if that were the case I think.

Medium relative to what?

I'm going to miss Dave so much. The show would play when I got home from school and I'd sit down with ginger-nut biscuits, milk and laugh my arse off. Then wait til the always great musical performance. I hope I can meet Dave some day :)

I haven't been a Nirvana fan since I was about 13 but Heart-Shaped Box is such an amazingly tragic song. Recently I listened to it's live 1994 version in Germany aka. the last song they ever performed live and it's devastating

'Jock-rock meathead'. That's such a good way to put it.

Ray liking Imagine Dragons makes me not like him anymore.

Wow what a fucking baby

They did that when I saw them last year, except of balls and Wake Up it was confetti and Here Comes the Night Time. Truly spectacular.

The funniest episode yet!

Okay cool we can admit this? Chris Rock's 'youngest son' was great.