
BTW some New Zealand media saw this and totally gave the green light on speculating if it was Springfield, Canterbury.

And if they're out of moons they usually just tape a bunch of cats together.

Does anybody know who played the guest judge at Dave & Kath's BBQ? It's kind of driving me nuts.

The part where the guy at the airport picks up the Mayor/French Revolution postcard had me squealing.


I don't remember, but my mum never hesitates to remind me how I and my sister, loved this show.

I think this was the first really bad episode

Tbh I've always regarded Season 16 as being great.

Yeah, moderates need to get their act together. They totally underestimate the impact a direct approach could have. They have to tell their kids that it's just not okay.

No, I agree.

There was a photo going round Facebook along the likes of: If you think [the Westboro Church] is an unfair representation of Christianity why do you think [ISIS] represents all of Islam. It would be a fair comparison, there are over a billion Muslims, of course not all of them are bad, but the Westboro Baptist Church

vs Paul Banks

Yes, but in this context of John Key and the Nats I'll happily throw out the information that I am Australian-born.

*the next day Cameron Slater visits a brothel to find dirt on Lisa*

"All My Life" and "Low" are their best songs that aren't "Everlong".

oh wow. I've had Kevin Smith and Kevin James confused this whole time.

Yeah, I'm really liking this album.

You miss those days? You do know why NYC Cops was pulled right..?

I feel like, minus the singles, Room on Fire was really hook-less, bordering on generic. Angles meanwhile, apart from the singles (again), was entertainingly catastrophic. Some songs which took The Strokes down territory they'd never crossed - some dark riffs and some aggressive solos.

This is the most shocking celebrity death I've been through. My old history teacher was his cousin so my thoughts are with him. When I was younger he was my comedic idol and I liked that he could still pop out films like World's Greatest Dad, which now will be difficult to watch. RIP :(