Missed headline opportunity: “Arizona Man Gives New Mercedes Thumbs-Down”
Missed headline opportunity: “Arizona Man Gives New Mercedes Thumbs-Down”
Fuck that McDonald’s manager. Seriously.
Nobody has ever thought that. Florida can always get worse. Always.
So customers should, rather than must, attempt to remit agreed-upon monthly payments in a reasonable time frame?
Put your airplane in airplane mode.
Before this, thousands of flights were delayed over fears from airlines.
I am afraid truckers in a rollover have a 100% chance of dying. The more interesting question is whether this invention can extend the average period between rollover and death.
What happens between consenting adults is much better than the theft and fraud of Goldman-Sachs and their co-conspirators of Wall Street.
Yeah sucking dicks for cash is definitely preferable to the fuckery those Wall Street assholes get up to.
Grindr is the more honorable profession.
As a technician, I appreciate....deeply.....the amount of data that my scan tool provides me. I want to see it ALL. I want to see what the ECU sees when I press a window button, activate a dome light, or what gear is being commanded.
I also want to see freeze frame data from when your MIL illuminated. What was the…
I sure hope that “100 miles of on-road testing” was a typo, and there are several more zeros.
I watched this play out over the weekend, from the initial post, to the dudes identity going out and then the arrest.
There is no world in which ordering that smoothie was the safest option for that child.
If the allergy is that severe, why the hell aren’t you ordering, like, a strawberry smoothie? He picked the absolute riskiest item on the entire menu. What even is a peanut smoothie with no peanuts?
The only concern is how AZ will handle it? The hope is they elect an actual democrat but there is a decent chance they will say “Look at how shitty a job the dems did, and constantly fought with the people’s choice...” paired with voter suppression and it could go straight back to GOP hands.
A Georgia pastor and his first lady
Local administrators felt the topic set off “red flags” that related to CRT.
A religious organization is actually a harmful scam? Shocked, shocked I tell you! Up next at News at 11: our investigative reporters reveal that water is wet.