
I had no idea what this meant, but your comment gave me an idea of what to look up.  For all the other folks who don’t get it, go to WebMD and search for the name of that landmark.

You said stories involving giant red bows were guaranteed to be included, but my story with a giant red bow isn’t here!

The working employees probably earned their bonuses, but executives seem to have not done a very good job.  They probably all got their bonuses already though.

Yes, I think it’s a mistake to call it any sort of CVT, just because of all the shitty CVT’s out there. It’s also not easy to find a competent explanation of just what it really is or how it works.

Some years back, when I moved out of the state, I gave a friend a good-running rustbucket I’d been driving. As expected, he drove it until he got thru whatever transportation problems he was having, then junked it. A few months later, I got a fine/towing/storage whatever invoice from the state, after it was found

I remember now!  250 Nighthawks and GS125s!

Emperor Don Jr can use the planes when they’re done. And you can be sure they’ll have daddy’s original paint scheme.

Ha! When I took the MSF, we lived in a shoebox in the middle of the highway, ate gravel for breakfast and nothing else the rest of the day, and rode some kind of 125 & 250 Hondas and Suzukis!

If this is what you’re into, and if it’s built right, it’s probably a decent price compared to building your own. If the journey is as important as the destination, you probably want to build your own anyway. If I hit the big lottery, IDK if this would make it into my garage, but it’d be cool to see a bunch of them

It breaks the staging beams. The wire wheels are too insubstantial for that. For a cacklefest car, of course, it’s just there for the right look.

I live and work in Westchester. Vipin’s sister is probably stuck in a lease, or moving to Westchester would be absolutely the best idea. Second best is Metro North and Uber until her lease is up.

Yes! I was there when it was the Imperial Palace and the Quad Resort.

I understand this means “no,” but specifically, is the bank saying give the customer the truck for free, plus give them ~$20K? They could have saved several keystrokes by responding “LOL

BTW, the CL ad now shows a $15K price.

I don’t want it, but for someone who does, it’d be hard to find one in this condition. Let’s see what a flipper gets for it on BaT.

This is friend-shaped. I’d buy it and use it gently for truck stuff.

I wish I did.

The chrome tank is super cool! I don’t think I saw this post originally, and I don’t think I knew about the Cromo. Call me weird, but the 1st gen is the iconic Monster to me, and the S2R1000, and any others with over/under shotgun exhaust are awful. For the record, I prefer Ducatis, Ferraris and VFRs in colors other

A company my wife worked for provided company cars from Hertz.  IDK what the cost/benefit was for this decision, but she just got a new Mustang convertible every time the oil change message came up on the one she was driving.

I thought the question was about an actual vintage car, but Bradley is the only staffer who seems to have read it the same way. If something modern-ish is acceptable, how about a Saab 900 Turbo convertible?