
IIRC, a NHRA sanctioned track won’t allow a convertible to run quicker than 13.99 without a roll bar.

I love B-body wagons. Actually, I love most wagons and most big cars. I had an 84 Caprice wagon through much of the 90's, and I loved it, too.

If it had the 307, it’d be a 200R4.  With a 305, it gets a 700R4.    Ah, but according to Wiki, these didn’t get the 305.  Regardless, the seller is a moron.

I just don’t buy this. In an urban environment, I can’t imagine that my unmodified GTI is noticeably louder than my wife’s CRV hybrid, and I damn well know the GTI isn’t louder than the CRV when the CRV is making spaceship noises.

I considered a Scat Pack Charger before I bought my GTI in 2018. Ultimately, the penalty in price and MPG stopped me. The Chargers (and my GTI) were below MSRP at the time, just like the Chargers are now.  And I don’t regret it, but... One of the F8 green Chargers or B5 blue ones looks really good to me. It’s a good

I’m 56 years old. I plan to drive my 2018 GTI (6MT) for the rest of my life. It’s the first new car I’ve ever owned, and I have 81,000 miles on it now.

“...his eyes are brown.”

Full Of Shit

I should have known what FOS meant, but I didn’t.  Now I do.

I’ve always loved these. My dad used to take me to the Honda motorcycle dealer that was above the Honda car dealer in the 70's when I was a kid. I have utterly no use for one of these, and if I had money to collect stuff (more than I already collect), I’d collect things I can do more than just look at. First I’d buy

I don’t remember what hit me, but I was a fraction of a second shy of evading a collision like that.  As it was, the other car just tapped my rear bumper, which squatted enough under acceleration to keep the other car from going under it.

Sounds like a Golf R is really the answer if you want to drive it on the street. Probably on the track, too.

A coworker recently dumped his elderly Cayenne at 210K miles when the transmission failed. I’d be willing to consider this one if I was in the market for such a thing, if it’s not rusty. I’d run it til it died. The colors aren’t exciting, but what can one expect at this price?

We paid less than sticker for a 2024 CR-V Touring last August in Mt Kisco, NY.  It was in stock, and red, the color we wanted.

A coworker had a yellow Speciale in the early ‘00's, can’t remember if it was a ts or tb, but on a coin-flip, I’m going with tb. It had an aftermarket exhaust that I don’t think involved any mufflers; definitely not effective ones. It sounded astounding! They were probably $30-40K cars back then.

Berettas are beautiful cars! I test-drove a new Quad4 Beretta GTZ with a 5-speed and was very impressed.

Mariska Hargitay did help that lost kid find her mom the other day...

Oral sex is my go-to.

I got pulled over on an interstate where the right shoulder was blocked with orange and white traffic barrels. I put on my signal and continued driving until there was an appropriately-sized gap in the barrels for exit and re-entry, or they ended, or whatever. I guess I could have squeezed thru earlier; the cop

Pro athletes’ pay may be ridiculous, but the money pro sports brings in for the owners, leagues, and other involved parties is obscene, so to the people who actually perform the sports, without whom there would be no money, I say grab all you can.