
I'll believe it when it gets a 510(k) clearance.

Did you see the radar from that day? Literally everybody else was avoiding that area.

Seems like somebody has already forgotten where TARP originated.

The Beast is also loud as fuck when you're on the inside.

Yeah, I'm guessing the author has never been to anywhere in here.

Speak for your own town. I live in a Florida beach town and this is the first week this summer that it feels empty. It only recently dawned on me that it is because school has started back up.

Never mind that companies endure a very real cost in processing every single one of those $5-25 charges. There is no reason a flight segment should produce three receipts.

oh shit, that sounds too easy. thanks!

I deactivated it when I realized most people — no matter who — like to bitch non-stop.

That is more of a commentary on those people.

Deactivate Facebook.

People that do not "get" satire also probably do not know what the word means.

So are metrosexual men mimicking gay men, or do they just care about their appearance?

Customer's also bought: Euro Paper and Yen Paper.

How's your heart doing, Cheney?

Pretty sure Crane & Co. is launching an e-commerce store soon. They just got backing from Benchmark at a $17 trillion valuation.

Hardly anything that is truly pleasurable is safe.

He thinks he'll be forever young.

OK, but one thing that really pisses me off for going mainstream is fucking EDM.

I was taking selfies long before seven years ago. Before digital, even. Who didn't?