That and have a firm spray for pesticides every single day. The resulting diseases will eventually thin the herd.
That and have a firm spray for pesticides every single day. The resulting diseases will eventually thin the herd.
Wondering how many of these same parents let their kids play video games that are not age appropriate. Or surf the net without parental controls. Or lets their kids have iPhones. Or do a host of other things that would make them equally horrible in their own eyes.
Instead, the kids will now spend their evening home playing GTA V.
We live in a digital age where, as a guy, your eye can wander quite a bit. You're not just looking at some hot girl walking by while you and your wife sit at a cafe
Nah, just a health law and policy expert
Sorry, but the Hippocratic Oath would stop any doctor with a shroud of common sense and/or respect for his/her profession from performing those procedures against the will of someone that has not even been charged with a crime.
It is a shame how many of them live in poverty. People think think that since there are a few tribes with profitable casinos that they all make a ton of money when in actuality visiting most reservations would make you downright sad. Based on what I've read and seen in photos, one would not be wrong to make…
My question is, who thought it would be OK to name the team that in the first place with how derogatory it is? I never bothered researching the history behind the term because I figured it must not be that offensive if a national sports team is named it. Nobody in the last X decades (even the 50's) would have thought…
So I just looked up the history of the term and had no idea until now how offensive it is to Native Americans. I had thought it was just a term that some disliked and had no idea it is universally perceived as derogatory. They need to change the name.
Very true. Could have gone either way.
Based on my knowledge being limited to this sole post, it sounds like he summed his probably now disowned son-in-law perfectly. He was telling tales outside of class and taken to task for it. He is doubly a dick for failing to retract the statement at the instance of Pops.
Referencing another post on another Gawker site today, this is sort of like a Dick Chaney thing. Publicly makes statements against gay marriage, but privately supports it because of his daughter.
Definition: Starfishing.
It is almost like Jezebel is completely immune to sarcasm.
I see what you did there and I like it! A lot.
How the f could these people, who are supposedly so smart, not know that IP addresses reveal who you are? Proxies people, proxies!
The NYPD is cozy with the CIA and I'm sure they have a few friends at NSA. This guy had a conversation online with a friend somewhere and I am sure they can get the transcripts if they cannot find anything else to make it stick.
It is amazing how many close calls he had while doing that. At one light I saw pedestrians crossing at the following light and was thinking how lucky he (and they) were. I know that people get kicks out of driving fast... but the island of Manhattan is not the place to do it.
Kris has been allegedly divorcing Bruce since two seasons ago on Keeping Up. Oh, that's right, she was never really going to cheat on her husband, they just made it look that way for three weeks.
I hate weak apologies that start with: