
2 weddings under my belt. My wedding planner for both was Excel. First wedding was at a nice hotel where they dealt with all the food, music, decor, etc., for a good chunk of change, worth it to me at the time, but no “tablescapes,” I’m afraid. My dress was silver and my ex didn’t even wear a tie which was

My ex once told my cousin’s daughter, who was very young and very attached to me, that she wasn’t my cousin but my cousin once removed. She flipped out, poor kid — it sounded disturbing to her, I guess.

My husband and I split our time between Canada and the US, and he (the Canadian) is always standing there at the checkout, tapping and waving around his card, everyone looking at him with increasing alarm when first back in the US, and I’m always swiping my card once we’re back in Toronto and getting the crazy eye. I

Have another pic! I didn’t attach to my original post because the picture quality is awful, but sharing is caring. Our 4 “flower girls” with the ring bearer in the middle.

Nope. Get ready to rage-puke:

My husband and I, when we got married, had 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 turtles, 4 birds, a rabbit and a tropical fish tank. (We’re animal people, you could say). We had our wedding in our own backyard, so this made things easier.

We had two (human) attendants each, and each of them strolled down the aisle walking one of our

“Allergy attorneys” are a thing now, just saying.

My order is black iced coffee. No sugar. Easy, right? DD always gives me a cup of sugary milk with a splash of coffee. Tim Horton’s has some issues with the idea of black iced coffee but they learned pretty quickly at my 2 regular spots. DD not so much.

I think a lot of places ask you to agree to do something that is clearly unenforceable in the effort to scare people who are ignorant of the fact that it's bullshit. They know they could never actually try to enforce such a thing, but are hoping customers are ignorant and follow their direction anyway.

My husband ASKED for a homemade fruitcake this year. I delivered, and now I realize he mainly wanted a dessert nobody else in the family would touch with a ten foot pole.