
That’s a lot of hot takes to get to your hatred of soccer.

I was younger than her when Carlos and Smith made their black power salutes in Mexico City. I was able to absorb it and understand that protest is a powerful way to get attention to an issue.

Thanks Obama.

The people that are upset about it don’t want to talk about the actual issues that Kaep and others are trying to address.

I’d pay $100 just to see Obama, for once, answer a question about one of these inane ‘controversies’ with the “Jesus, who the fuck CARES?” that it deserves.

I’m guessing it’s the new troll style for racists who can’t quite figure out how they want to attack a white woman yet.

All the top comments on this article are from “women” who have “veterans” for husbands, whose “husbands” support Kaepernick but the commenters themselves don’t understand.

It failed because idiots like you are hellbent on willfully misconstruing his protest in order to delegitimatize it.

So it failed because it didn’t end police brutality immediately? Okay.

I’m just going to say this:

Awwww, you're so full of shit.

Freedoms that make white people uncomfortable aren’t real freedoms. Study it out.

What in the world does “I am a foremost civil rights activist” mean?

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

So you want professional sports players to take flags onto the field and burn them during the anthem?

The first thing civil rights activists don't do is compare atrocities among the oppressed.

If Megan Rapinoe kneels during the National Anthem, and no one is in the stadium to watch the game, does it still rustle the media’s jimmies?

You see so many negative portrayals of professional athletes in the news, and when its positive its a charity type thing that feels forced. So an article like this in which someone is doing the right thing because their are more important things in their life than their sport of choice is refreshing.

He has his priorities right in my opinion

I remember, after my beloved grandfather passed away, how my family would stiff armme to console me during my bouts of sadness and depression