FTTOHG Has Moved to

Looks like these are already hitting the streets. Somewhat surprising to see them so soon after the press blast. Spotted in Detroit this morning, maybe that had something to do with it.

Get one while you still can!

Wait when did it become shersey? Everyone I know always call it a jirt.

I wish I lived near an AFB with more interesting stuff. I live near Lackland and for the last few years there’s been a lot of F16’s flying in formations during the day which is cool. But I also get C5’s slowly trundling over my house at 11 PM waking up my kids at least once a week. I guess I’ll call it a wash.

Now playing

Didn’t see Reservoir Dogs listed yet. This one messed with me for days.

I love how this showed up in my feed right above a Kinja-sponsor ad for a GoPro.

It really does look like a Batmobile in person. I saw one parked on the street this weekend while out to breakfast with my 65 year old mother and that was the first thing she said. I’m trying to figure out how it ended up so deep in Texas considering you can’t buy them here. The owner was a grizzly old dude with a

Hmm... my 2013 Outback 2.5 hasn’t been consuming consuming oil that bad. I’m only at 33,000 so I guess I’ll have to watch out!

I’d believe that considering the teams/cities involved. Doesn’t excuse the hit, but I can’t say I feel bad for the ref if it’s true.

I guess I’m getting old. I remember Jay and Holmes not always having the bad reputations they have now. I’m probably just turning into get off my lawn guy. Also commuting from Grey Forest to 410/Marbach for the last 4 years has seriously warped my sense of “close”.

Geographically close, but econimally it may as well be another country. Alamo Heights is really nice, but it is an enclave with its own school district where you don’t have to go far from to be in a rough part of town.

I lol’d because it’s true. I live near a Northside stadium that holds over 10,000 people and is nicer than where some FCS schools play. High school football in Texas is a bigger deal than it should be.

I test drove an automatic Latitude. It was OK. The 2.4L/9-speed combo is the biggest problem. Comfort/space/visibility/fit-finish/handling were all better than I expected - but not great. (I comparing to the Patriot.) But the transmission is dimwitted, and the engine power is only adequate. Together you get this weird

I was surprised when I test drove one. I’m 6’2” and there was enough room for me for short trips behind the driver’s seat. For kids up to teenagers probably fine. Comfort was OK back there. There is a 110V AC plug in the back of the center console which is a pretty neat feature.

I’m sad I had to scroll down this far to see Corsair. I use all Corsair stuff at work after getting fed up with a few issues we had with higher end Logitech stuff. It’s made for gaming but it works well for CAD and general usage. My favorite feature is being able to assign a button to lower the DPI while you hold it.

I’m sad I had to scroll down this far to see Corsair. I use all Corsair stuff at work after getting fed up with a

I actually have 2 of these. First came with a keyboard combo that I bought at work and I liked it so much I bought one for myself for home. It's way better than it has business being for the price.

I actually have 2 of these. First came with a keyboard combo that I bought at work and I liked it so much I bought

No, just no. One of the worst mice I’ve ever used and I’m a self-confessed Apple fanboy. Idea is great, but the shape and erratic behavior of the Bluetooth and gestures just kill it for me. It was my travel mouse with my Air since it fit my bag nicely. I accidentally left it at a hotel a few weeks ago. I picked up the

No, just no. One of the worst mice I’ve ever used and I’m a self-confessed Apple fanboy. Idea is great, but the

Something else to consider is if the person with the same job title and experience that is making more than you has one weird rarely used unique skill. These aren’t always certifications either - sometimes they are just OJT with bespoke products. We have a few guys who are lazy/mediocre that we pay well because when

We have a crash test facility where I work. Mostly test guard rails and street lamps. It’s not my department, but I have a buddy I can talk about it. Our company slogan says something about benefitting government, industry, and the public so *maybe* we could do it. Not sure how we'd get it past the lawyers though...