FTTOHG Has Moved to

The company I work for has been a contractor for one of 3 competitors for over 5 years now. Somehow we've managed to just call it J-L-T-V the entire time. I can't wait to see what they come up with just to hear my coworkers who take their acronyms way to seriously groan about it.

I’ll probably catch some heat for this if anyone ever even sees it here in the grays, but... Ugh, can we stop calling these people just “Christians” and use something more descriptive like “Hardline Biblical Conservatives” or “Radical Christianists”? I am a Christian, and my denomination doesn’t think like these

I had a 2002 S10 step-side for a few years. I actually used it as a step to get at things in the bed quite a bit. I think the function has largely been replaced by full-length running bars that go to the rear wheel. Or you can get aftermarket steps that attach to the frame between the cab and read wheel and fold away

Objectively, the Outback handles better. Honestly, it has no business handling as well as it does for what it is. The ride is also way more comfortable than the Fit, which should be expected with the extra size and IRS. My wife was out of town this weekend and I took it on some Hill Country back roads with the kids

Yeah our Outback has the 2.5 with the CVT. It’s competent and gets good mileage, but it doesn’t like being driven hard. Even though the Fit was technically slower it seemed to enjoy revving more.

I saw one on the road in Phoenix in December. I got excited and followed it for a few blocks and tried to get a picture. Like you I was about 14 when it came out and I loved it for the pure crazy design. I didn’t care if it wasn’t the fastest. There was one rich kid at our high school whose dad had one. You should

Yeah I doubt it is still there - I’d love to go back and find out. I know it was there through at least 2002. I had friends on the rifle team at the time Columbine happened in 1999 and they were very nervous about its future, but they did keep it for at least some time after that - but things got stricter and they

Ugh my wife sold her 1st-gen fit 2 years ago when we had our second kid. It would’ve been tight getting two massive modern car seats in it, but I think we could’ve done it. She got an Outback which I don’t hate, but I do miss the Fit.

We had a rifle range INSIDE my high school. There were seriously 20 guns and 1000’s or rounds of ammo in the school at all times. This never really bothered anyone. Of course this was in Western PA in the 1990’s where the start of deer hunting season was a holiday that school was closed for...

For the most part that’s true. I’m not opposed to making your own clothes and have even looked into it myself for one-off things like costumes. In my experience by the time you buy a pattern, fabric, thread, buttons etc. it is almost as expensive and you still have to make it. But over time my mom built up drawers and

My mom made all of our clothes on a sewing machine in the basement with novelty print fabric from the clearance rack at Jo-Ann’s all of the way through middle school. All of the pants and shorts had elastic waistbands. The only things we had that she didn’t make were screen-printed souvenir T-shirts from places we

Time to log off, kick back, crack open a Shiner Bock and... oh look! The low-ass bridge in Boston got another truck! Hooray!

My neighbor has a beat to crap one under a car cover in her back yard. It ran two summers ago, but hasn’t since. I ask her about once a month if she wants to sell it, but no luck so far. It’s too much of a basket case to be worth restoring, so I'd love to get it running and daily it for a while just to make commuting

It sort of does in that photo, but have you seen one in person on the road yet? It has a really upscale presence to it that pictures don't capture. I saw one for the first time on my way home from work today and it didn't look like a Buick at all.

Surprised I didn't see this posted. Every one I have rented has been completely falling apart with less than 10,000 miles.

Same here. My Hyundai has a T-pattern with R next to 1 and is only a 5-speed that turns over 3,000 at 65 MPH... it’s like it was made to has 6 and two model years later they did add a 6th. Sigh.

The Peugeot 107 was just as bad.

I actually remember these being somewhat common when they came out. But I felt the same as you the last time I saw one a few weeks ago.

Exactly, it’s not bad and kinda works. But for the price, I’d expect it to be more than just “not bad.” If you stuck a 3-pointed star on it and charged $70k, then sure - but it just doesn’t seem special enough for a Bentley.

Tubeless tires. We take them for granted, but if you’ve ever had to deal with tubes you’d understand.