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Plenty of people haggle on luxury vehicles. My boss just bought a new Benz and played two dealers off of each other for two weeks before getting it. He haggled on the Lexus IS he bought a few years ago. Lots of people who can afford luxury cars got to that point financially because they never pay retail for anything.

Jim is right. I was stuck in rush-hour traffic right behind an XLT 4x4 crew cab the other day. It is much taller than old US Ranger, but only slightly wider/longer. The high beltline exaggerates the size as well. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “small” truck, but it is much smaller than any US full-size going back to

It was probably production. It has been on sale in Mexico for a little while now. I live in South Texas I’ve seen several on the road. Of course St. Louis is a bit more of a hike from the border, but there is no reason someone couldn’t have taken a road trip up there.

All of the Mexican ones I’ve seen here in Texas have a giant “RANGER” decal splashed across here. I actually kind of like it better with the decal - reminds me of an 80’s Toyota pickup.

I named my son Nolan pretty much because Ryan was a total bad ass and I hoped some of that might rub off on him through the name. He's 2 now. While I watched this video on my phone he walked up to his 6 year sister and kicked her in the face. :-/

Thanks for this guide. I bought a base model with a crappy plastic steering wheel because it was the only way to get the manual transmission. Now that I can get the leather wheels cheap on eBay I've been wanting to put one on but thought it would be too much of a pain in the ass. Now I'll be giving it a shot!

Yesterday everyone was complaining the Jeep Wrangler that cost $48,000. I think you just proved that as far as convertible SUV’s go, the Jeep is a far better value.

I am way more interested in reading about this than Doug’s goddamn Hummer.

Spark plugs. Transverse mounted v6. Ugh. Dreading the back three right up against the firewall. This is the one time I’ve wished I got the face lifted version that replaced the small V6 with an I4.

Not sure which is worse...

Don't ever change Jason.

I love everything except for the wrap on the wheel. It's so busy. I'd rather just have a traditional leather wrap the whole way around.

A few others have mentioned this, but I can only give them each one star: get a broker. Why anyone would waste their time trying to shop for insurance on their own is beyond me. My broker is awesome. I tell her what coverage I want on my house/cars/etc, she sends me 2-3 of the lowest priced quotes from reputable

Damn that’s crazy. I have the exact same coverage/deductible as you. I don't have any claims, though, but it is still crazy to me that I can insure 2 cars for way less than your 1 car. It's not a luxury make or sports care is it? In any case, I'll keep my butt in South Texas for now!

Yeah police in this country can suck pretty hard. I’ve had pretty good luck where I live now though. Been rear ended twice in the last two years. The most recent one was very minor and they didn’t do a report, but said they would have if we needed it. First time was major. Got hit so bad while sitting at a red light I

Good grief. How bad were your rates before and how many cars?! If I saved $1200 a year, my insurance would be free. I’ve paid $1100 a year for full coverage on two cars.

What did the police say? Doesn't the insurance company usually just agree with the police?

I'm glad to hear they've addressed the turning radius. My 2013 is as bad as a full-size truck. The rack in the 2015 must allow the wheels to turn a bit more at lock. It's a little thing but it's annoying in parking lots. Thanks!