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Depreciation is a tricky thing, though, because it depends quite a bit on make, model, and geographic location. Example - co-worker bought a new 2007 Tacoma crew cab for $26,000 out-the-door after all the haggling was done with a 60-month low-interest loan. Sold it in 2013 with 90,000 miles for $19,000 in cash to

Subaru not budging on MSRP must be a new thing or a geographic thing. I got my 2013 Outback for $3,500 below sticker plus haggled in the Subaru roof-rail-mounted bike rack for free and 1.9% for 60 months.

I voted CP for the same reasons others are mentioning. That being said, I live in San Antonio and am pretty sure he will get close to that. Trucks are popular here to the point that all truck prices on Craigslist are CP here. The consensus seems to be that this is worth $4-5k but in SA that’s the going rate for

I like the lighting package on this MkVI Golf Variant. We never got that on the US model (Jetta Sportwagen).

Filed under Beerlopnik?

I back into spaces whenever I can, because I prefer to be able to quickly GTFO when I am leaving somewhere in a hurry. I drive a manual and leave it in first gear and so that I can be rolling as soon as the engine starts turning over, which also helps. Since I do it all the time, I can pretty much back into a space in

I think you mean IH-20. I drive from SA to El Paso on IH-10 pretty regularly and the highest limit is 80. Truckers pretty much behave on IH-10. Also Midland isn’t on IH-10.

I saw a blue one parked in the lot of the restaurant I went to on Saturday. First Mk7 R I've seen in the wild. The blue was awesome. My wife couldn't figure out why I cared about it more than the S7 two spaces down.

You’re right I had a brain fart. .30-06 is in fact 7.62x63mm, but not a NATO round. The 7.62x51mm NATO is essentially a .308 Winchester.

Mine are 2 and 5. This Friday we make the road trip from San Antonio to Phoenix to visit Grandma for the second time in 6 months. Last time it went pretty well. 15 hours on IH10. An iPad stuck between the front seats loaded up with movies and TV shows works wonders. Let them wear crazy PJ’s all the way until lunch. We

Wow guess I need to get out more.

Wait - was this recently? I haven’t had to carry registration papers on me for years. I thought cops just either ran the plates on their laptop or scanned the bar code on the window sticker and made sure it came up as legal in their system. The only time I’ve been asked for more than a license and proof of insurance

Works well to maintain them. I’ve had lights that were so bad Plastx did work that well. I did a full sanding and polish on them and now use Plastx every few months to keep them clear.

This should really be in the upper left, but I’d still hit it.

Thanks. It’s always good to hear from someone who sees it in the field. The cartridges being used with the XM2010 are pretty nasty little things. The velocity is similar to .30-06 armor piercing round, but the projectile is much heavier. Even though it isn’t technically an armor piercing round, the extra weight gives

FWIW, .300WM is 7.62m ammo. Compared to the 7.62x63mm NATO (aka .30-06), it just has a bigger case that holds more powder and therefore can send the same weight bullet at a higher muzzle velocity. 7.62mm is a popular bore diameter. The AK (7.62x39mm), .308 Winchester, Moisin-Nagant (7.62x54mmR), .300 WM, and .300

Good point. And you can roll their extended warranty into it, I believe which would be a smart move for somebody in this situation.

CarMax only if you can get financed somewhere else. Their rates are terrible even if you have good credit.

Yeah CarMax tried to stick me with 7.5% on a 780 FICO. They do a 3-day no penalty pay off, though. I was 100 miles from home and ready to ell them my truck, so I bought the car, drove it to my credit union and got a new loan at 3.9% to take its place.

Depends on the car and loan term. Not at cars depreciate at the same rate. For instance, Wranglers and Tacomas around here depreciate maybe $1000 per year. That means even with $0 down you’re right side up on a 48-60 month loan in 4-6 payments. Unless something crazy happens in your life at the start of the term,