
That man has fantastic hair.

Where is Ginger Spice???

Smoker here. Although I would never throw a cigarette butt on the ground in a friends yard (are your friends really drunk when they come over or what?), in nature, or in any relatively clean environment; I do throw butts on the street in the city if there isn't a trash can close by. But I would probably do the same

My cousin is getting married in about a month and him and his fiancee registered for SO MUCH STUFF. I was looking through their registry in shock, like, how do they not already have all of these things? Both of them are in their 30s; How do they not already have a blender (they actually registered fro TWO different

My husband and I were doing the same thing. I think we basically gave up after the fifth or sixth episode. So depressing.

Please don't. I finally had to stop watching the new season after five episodes. MAJOR disappointment. I'm just trying to forget the Netflix season ever happened as to not taint my love of the original series. Just stop.

It reminds me of anuses. Or maybe belly buttons. I don't know. I don't like it.

All of the kids in that photo look so happy, except for the two sitting by Madonna.

Thank you for this. Most sane/rational women agree with you.

WTF? Are you for real?

Oh, duh. I misunderstood what you were saying. Carry on!

Why not? I'm a blonde and dye my hair red with henna. Are you afraid of going to orange?

Me too! I just saw Titanic for the first time about two years ago. It was the worst.

Why were they sitting so far away from each other? Is it always like this on that show and I've just never noticed until now?

That was the story most relevant to my interests as well.

I want to read all of these stories more than this one.

This trend of annoying teenagers asking celebrities to prom on youtube needs to stop. Why is this on national television? This isn't an original idea and the video wasn't even funny. Go away!

Thank you.

WHAT?! I need that.

NO. Trebek forever!