
Counterpoint: David Bowie

I feel like it’s less that he looks like Kurt Cobain than that he’s TRYING to look like Kurt Cobain, which is probably worse.

That actress is TERRIBLE. I had such a hard time watching the finale because I was so distracted by how unbelievably bad she was. I hope she’s not a big part of upcoming seasons (obviously not a book reader here) or that the character is re-cast, because I don’t think I can deal with much more of her. I’m baffled by

Oh, man, this is great! I have a job that requires me to be on call and I HATE having my smartphone with me all the fucking time. I am definitely looking in to this thing.

Designers need to come up with something better than “nude” underpants to have models wear under sheer gowns. It’s distracting and tacky. Either have the models go commando or wear something that doesn’t detract from the overall look.

Fuck. I’m going to Europe next month for two weeks and have been overwhelmed by the fear that my cat will die while I’m gone. I am currently sobbing at my desk. I am so sorry.

She’s being replaced by Mallory Ortberg though, so this is actually good news.


You are such a smug asshole. You obviously have no empathy or understanding of addiction or awareness that there are millions of other people on this planet that have life experiences that are completely different than yours. The fact that you are telling other people to grow the fuck up is embarrassing.

Beware! Henna looks awesome, but it is FOREVER. It will not fade out. Ever.

I had to read this three times before I realized you didn’t actually say “I used to teach English refugees.” TGIF.

WTF is up with that wig?

I feel like Ben & Jerry's offered a variation on this product before, like 15 years ago? Can anyone back me up on this? I feel like I'm losing my mind.

I would LOVE that gift!

Exactly. I actually enjoyed reading her articles on xojane in the beginning, partially due to the novelty of a cosmetics review from the perspective of a kind of weirdo drug addict (there was a particularly great article about sunscreen and "tropical men"). Once she started writing about her drug use exclusively I

Ha! I guess Exene and Debbie made up. What a great lineup!

Those veneers make me so sad.

Does Shaun of the Dead count as a parody movie? Because that was hilarious.

Thank you! Thank you for writing this and also thank you for not including any pictures of actual spiders!

You are not alone.