
Exactly, a different matter, but I loved that Hillary was proud that she worked hard and prepared for things. Working and trying hard is NOT a bad thing. Her, paraphrasing from memory, “ Donald wanted me to take a drug test before the last debate. I should be flattered that he thought I was on performance enhancing

I bawled the first time I read AoGG as an adult. As a kid I was focused on the high jinx, but grown-up was overcome with sadness for this lonely, abandoned little kid and her harsh life (until around chapter 4). It sounds like they’re not going for the kid’s eye-view, but like you, I hope this version isn’t too “edgy.”

There is also the type of woman who “out-misogynizes” (have a just made up a new word? yay for me) the misogynists because she had it tough in her career so now that she is well-established, she has the impression that younger women have it easier than she had. And she cannot stand that, so she does her best to make

My mom (who is in her mid 60s) was an engineer in a soviet country, and it’s manifested in interesting ways in regards to her feminism. While she always defends women against men who refuse to give them opportunities because of gender, and she taught me women are just as smart and capable as men, she also has little

I’ve also seen that ‘backward’ effect, sometimes— women on the frontline in a male dominated workplace/profession get hardened & noticeably less-feminist. I guess the line of thinking is, “I didn’t have feminism to make MY path easier, I didn’t have anybody to tell me they believed me or help ME out while I struggled

Reading those words just made my IQ drop 10 points. I need to go read a dictionary to recover.

Don’t forget the “I’m a STRONG woman, unlike those whiny feminist bitches” refrain that goes right along with the internalized misogyny. In the younger set it sometimes manifests as “I’m too pretty to be a feminist”. 

I hope Christie ends up paying for this. The crime of using the authority given to by the estate to harass an entire fucking town because he felt slighted by not being supported by a mayor of the opposite fucking party is so egregious.

Yeah, I feel like I’ve just come out of a seizure. I have epilepsy. When I have a seizure and someone talks to me after it, I don’t process words well and it takes awhile before I can understand full sentences. I miss stuff for 30 seconds during a partial seizure. Watching the debates I felt like I was having partial

My mom raised me as a single mother for a long time. When I pressed her about voting against her self interest as a woman, she said a women’s place is in the kitchen. A son should never have to explain to his mother her self-worth.

It choked traffic to the George Washington Bridge, but in doing so it literally froze the town for hours. No one could get through, including ambulances and emergency crews.

From Wikipedia:

Millions of people cross that bridge every day. It’s a big fucking deal. And that’s aside from the blatant abuse of power then throwing blame on your assistant.

Jet fuel can’t melt airplane arm rests!

I have the wierdest boner right now.

This logic I understand. I often ask myself, if Jeffrey Dahmer hated boys so much, why did he eat them?

“To be kissed for 15 minutes is not a terrifying situation—you can press the button for a flight attendant...”

Same thing with businesses. He’s so successful at business that he decided to go bankrupt 4 times so he could start all over at the beginning. He’s just too good at it, if you think about it.

by that logic, i’m exceptional at quitting smoking - i’ve done it a multitude of times.