
Excellent. I cannot conceive of being that guy’s wife. She will have to do the marital mental equivalent of “it was just locker-room talk” to stay with him, won’t she? Blechhh. I’m just so sorry.

Oh, that “only losers delete based on who you’re voting for!” shit sets my hair on fire. It’s proof that those who post it still don’t get it; they still can’t get it through their thick skulls that voting really, really , does matter. I know we’ve all been conditioned to think that being partisan is tragically

Part of the problem is that they couldn’t even come up with anything as ‘sophisticated’ as “repeal the 19th amendment” unless they read it in some meme or on some website. These people have the same vote in a democracy as you or I do. Let that sink in.

Yes! Neither you nor Hillary Clinton deserve the bullshit some guys throw at you. It really hit me in the primaries, when the Bernie Bros started turning on her and dredging up all the right-wing talking points. I was just like, “Oh my god. These people have been salting the fucking earth since 1991, and it has

Least she can do! “Huh my husband thinks I shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Time to find a divorce lawyer.”

I can certainly relate. Just look at the number of articles out there describing the unprecedented amount of Trump-related anguish Americans are suffering. It makes me furious. I know in my case, a good portion of the stress is related to how we’re being gaslit, not just by Agent Orange himself but by the worthless

Damn, that’s cold. I’d be surprised to find out that I know a single person who would call women cunts and argue they shouldn’t vote. But obviously these people are all around us and have been hiding their crazy and regressive beliefs until now.

Jeebus, I am SO sorry that happened to you, and I wish this bastard a lifetime of stepping on Legos in the dark.

Holy. Shit. Good for you for cutting that toxic person out of your life. As if it’s not hateful enough to call a woman a “stupid cunt,” do people not realize how violent it is to question if a whole category of people should not have the right to vote?!? That amendment ship sailed almost 100 years ago.

It’s because she’s a woman. They just can’t say it out loud. So they pretend it’s because she’s a liar, untrustworthy, corrupt, forced her husband to sexually assault women, created ISIS, or [insert other psychotic babble that Politico + Snopes have both already debunked here].

I’ve known him since high school. Over the years yes drifted farther and farther to the right but I didn’t really care because we never really talked politics much. I’ve never seen him act like this, it came out of nowhere .

It’s a disease that has infected people on both fringes, but especially the right: The idea that there are not, in fact, any legitimate differences of opinion, just honest people and corrupt people. They truly believe they represent the overwhelming “silent majority” but have been shut out of political power because

Wait, what? A FRIEND of yours said this? That’s just insane. Were there ever any other red flags about this guy? Even if you have political differences, good friends do not say this kind of shit to each other.

Seriously. I don’t get the foaming-at the mouth hatred/jail her/shoot her that people have for Hillary. Ask them why and usually the first thing is “She’s a liar!”.

I don’t get it either. I thought anti-semitism was a relic of older generations and was dying out. This election has shaken up everything I thought I knew.

I don’t want it to happen but I kind of do.

THANK YOU! I was wondering if it would be too gauche to point out what a shitty swastika that is, but apparently I’m not the only one with thinks so.

What’s that? You want Trump pics?

“We don’t have a voice” I say as Trump gets more free media coverage just for being somewhere.

We don’t have a voice anymore, and Donald Trump is giving us a voice.