
Because signofzeta likes to have the distinction of rank preserved?

Barf. It looks like Saddam Hussein’s bathroom.

I love that the Republicans are offended that someone would name the dirty lady parts - but not that their guy is literally bragging about regularly committing sexual assault and getting away with it.

If only police started taking domestic violence seriously, we might see a drop in the number of murders.

Oh- easy answer. Sure, no rational human would want that kind of attention, but to guys like this, women and girls are A) not rational and B) not really human. These guys literally do not have theory of mind when it comes to women. If they think about the “why” of women’s actions at all, it’s only when those actions

Yeah - no - going to keep up quietly hating the people sitting down pretending not to see my huge belly and my monstrously swollen feet. Odds are 99 out of 100 that they deserve every ounce of the hate. Sorry if you were one of the people sitting on the train this summer when it was 100 degrees and my pregnant ass

This isn’t about the triumph of rationality and science, though. It’s about people with power doing what they want and saying a big fuck you to anyone hurt by their actions. It’s not Copernicus driving the bulldozers in the name of an empirical worldview. It’s just venal, stupid, soulless people out to make a vulgar

Oh good. Now we can all sit back and enjoy 800 sexist comments about how all white women are oblivious liberal elitist racists whose concerns are silly and another 800 racist comments about how all black men are retrograde, violent misogynists who are colluding in gender oppression. Fan-fucking-tastic. Hooray. Great


An analogy: Sometimes (okay, often) my kids are totally shitty. If I go with “you made this, this is who you are, this is who you’ve always been!!!” they dig in and act out worse. My go-to strategy is, “I am so disappointed in you. You are better than this. You are a kind person, and I know this is not how you want to

What is a good format for Larry Wilmore? I feel like he could do a killer long-format interview show a la Charlie Rose.

Actually, it appears to be dangerous at all stages of pregnancy, down to the 39th week, and they are starting to suspect that even the children without microcephaly or blindness will probably have neurological problems of varying severity. The news is not good, there. It’s not the end of the human race, but it is a

Medicaid funded psych facilities are... I don’t even have the words to describe some of the ones I’ve seen. It puts family in a position of trying to save someone’s life, but having to hesitate, because the “help” you can get if you are poor might be worse than no help at all.

Want the truth? Most of the time they are just beating, assaulting, raping, imprisoning, stalking and terrorizing their wives/girlfriends. The police could give a fuck, because hey, it’s just women. But domestic violence is also something you reliably find in the background of murderers/rapists/serial rapists/serial