
tell that to my MIL who got upset I didn’t want to travel an hour each way to go to a BBQ the week after I delivered!

I feel like it’s because she did an amazing job balancing shapes; the top is close-fitting and then it flows down into the wide-legged pants. Add the brilliant head wrap, which shares a similar pattern to the top but is a larger shape. Plus, the earrings and eyeliner are in a similar blue to the pants and bring out

Yea those are some whacky pants, those cuffs look like they could hide a copy of Altas Shrugged, a ferret, and at least half a pizza.

I feel your pain, literally wincing here. I’ve been there. I am so sorry your husband had to return to work THREE DAYS after incurring your injury.

My friend and I were joking yesterday that his sons looked like the older, less attractive, real life versions of every part that James Spader played in the ‘80s

At the time she said she did research. There were so many flaws in the story, I question how much she actually did. I realize it is fictional, but there is fictional and there is nonsense. It was very obvious she knew nothing what would happen with a child after that trauma. She wrote a totally unbelievable child. For

I’m still really confused....Room, the book and the movie, were works of fiction. Not historical fiction, just fiction. It’s not even clear (in the book) where the story takes place. I have a degree in history, so I am quite a stickler for historical accuracy, but this is not non-fiction, it’s not historical fiction,

I took 8 unpaid weeks and still could barely walk, sit or breathe when I went back. By about 12 weeks I was much better. I should have been out 12 weeks.

Of course. She and her father and her brother would all be as successful even without money. For sure. Also, she’s too strong to be sexually assaulted.

I had horrible uterine cramps and milk shooting out of my udders — I mean breasts — 1 week post-partum. How anyone could go back to work that quickly is beyond me!

I cannot even fathom how someone could be so obtuse unless they literally live in a bubble and interact with no other humans ever. As a woman who is currently pregnant, it is nearly impossible to avoid other women’s birth stories...And let me tell you, most of them do not begin with 15 lbs, peak with an easy natural

Whatever. I haven’t eaten since breakfast and it’s almost 1 p.m. Where’s the book about me?

I got curious about her blog a few weeks ago, and there was an article on how to fly first class. Getting free upgrades is a recent obsession of mine, so I eagerly clicked. One of the tips in the article was “buy a first class ticket.” Helpful! I wouldn’t have thought of that.

At one week postpartum I was still wearing a baby diaper stuffed with ice in mesh underwear

That is the most infuriating thing about listening to her talk, they never acknowledge that they come in with such a huge advantage, from a world class education for.even the most mediocre of minds (GW Bush) to having the right contacts, having jobs handed to you or having a net a safety net which allows

I had a really easy delivery, was discharged the next day (which most of you parents know is hard as fuck to pull off, they will try everything to keep you no less than 48hrs). But I tore like woah. My vadge looked like a patchwork quilt. I couldn’t walk and I most definitely couldn’t sit. And my husband had to go

Also almost no one who isn’t your relative will agree to watch your kid. Most places I have seen will take a kid at 6 weeks minimum, more often not before 12 weeks. This is unheard of!

The federal government currently guarantees twelve weeks of unpaid maternity leave

A lot of women (who had easy deliveries and are in good health) can’t walk around the block without getting winded at that point and still have pain sitting down. One week is abysmally short for those who want/need longer.

She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.