
The only exposure I have to Trump supporters is the people that post on a friend of a college-acquaintance’s Facebook posts (if I’m friends with any Trump supporters then they’ve kept awfully quiet).

Meet The Trumpettes USA:

Luckily, science is already all over this shit

Because they, unlike the fallen women Donald Trump is referring to, do not have pussies. They have delicately maintained fairy caves of wonder.

Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman decent human being to defend Trump’s comments.

There are a truly depressing number of women who hate other women. They laugh off (and sometimes encourage or participate in) even the worst misogynistic behavior, because they’re sure it could never happen to them — they’re too smart and independent and generally man-like to be treated like a lowly woman.

I love how Republicans are soooo scared of that word!!

Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.

Misogynists seem to have a preoccupation with literal and metaphorical uncleanliness in women, whom they regard as easily defiled and once defiled, permanently so. Also, they’re frightened of vaginas and generally find them icky in their natural state (hence that preoccupied-with-babywipes/douches piece of shit).

Honey is astonishingly inert, you’d never get a yeast infection (assuming you’re a woman-if not, you never had anything to worry about...) from honey. Getting mauled by bears, that’s the real problem.

Police officers commit domestic violence at 2 to 4 times the national average. They sympathize with people that beat their wives. Because they do it and their friends and peers do it.

But it sounds like these cops have no fuckin idea about mental disorders.

And if I bend over I get my boobs stuck to my stomach.

“And if I bend over I get my boobs stuck to my stomach.”

I feel weird about this because I rub honey on myself before showering as a skincare treatment. Raw honey is a yeast infection treatment, in fact. What the process is not, however, is sexy. It’s not sexy at allll. Lots of lint gets stuck to you. And if I bend over I get my boobs stuck to my stomach.

The addition of “well-washed” is somehow really upsetting.

Agreed! Sticky, messy, and a yeast infection waiting to thanks.

I know it’s something only grown men are supposed to do*, but a grown man doing this in public is just... fucking pitiful.

He is the king of projection. Every time he levels something against Hillary I now just assume he is talking about himself. “Hillary’s Foundation is shady!” (but his has actually broken the law) “It’s pay-to-play!” (sort of like that bribe you forked over to Bondi), “She doesn’t have the look to be President!” (stands