The headline is false. The Supreme Court did not address this specific issue and did not rely on the fact that men can lactate as well in coming to its ruling. To quote the court itself:
The headline is false. The Supreme Court did not address this specific issue and did not rely on the fact that men can lactate as well in coming to its ruling. To quote the court itself:
And surely he will blame his math failure on not being Asian.
Teams just do not melt down at that temperature!
"Well, my gameplan collapsed. Internally, though. There were no outside factors."
I am going to be that person here: In the Bible, Sodom was not destroyed because of bad the bad hospitality towards two angels, not because of homosexuality. It was destroyed because the men there wanted to rape these angels who were guests in Lot's home. And then Lot offered his virgin daughters instead, saying…
A few minutes before the tweets started, I had gotten an email from Domino's, letting me know that my pizza order was ready, payable with cash upon delivery. I'd shrugged it off as a glitch in their ordering system. I hadn't ordered a pizza, and the address listed on the order was an apartment I hadn't lived in for a…
"There is surveillance video showing the attendant taking the footballs from the official's locker room into another room at Gillette Stadium before bringing them out to the field, sources tell FOX Sports."
Go home, KFC. You're drunk.
sounds like somebody needs a shoulder to crayon
Because the NFL investigation is taking its sweet time (they haven't spoken to Tom Brady yet), and because it'll…
I love that the cats are wearing tiny miniature tin hats, too.
Bill Simmons better watch out... they are cracking down on NBA media whores aparently
By covering his ass, Joepa felt he was setting an example that would keep the kids safe.
The decision to vacate the wins was nearly two and a half years old, so it comes as no surprise that Penn State completely fucked it.
"I'm sorry for men not taking a greater stand in this area," Idleman adds.
There are some amazing artists out there who do incredible work over ink or scars.
It may use the same AMMO, but I can guarantee you it will not have the same effect. I was stationed at England AFB home of the Flying Tigers and deployed to Desert Shield/Storm with the A-10's. They are probably the best support A/C we had to bad they are getting rid of them. I finished my career with the AFSOC…
I totally disagree with this statement...
I've worked in too many bars and restaurants to count and the ladies is always waaaayyyy worse at the end of the night. I'm talking used tampons on the floor and every second toilet plugged and continued to e used.
Seriously ladies, have you no shame?