Fact: Canada is basically utopia. And in accordance with the requirements of all utopias, the nation is home to…
Fact: Canada is basically utopia. And in accordance with the requirements of all utopias, the nation is home to…
And the other two thirds are going to be paid to Magic City employees as child support.
They should just pay Dwight in cash because we all know about a third of that money is going to end up on the main stage at Magic City.
Oh, I know this one! My parents! Here’s the logic: I don’t like Hillary, but Trump seems like a lunatic. Therefore, Bernie. Bernie’s out? Well, I still don’t QUITE know what I don’t like about Hillary, she just seems...bad. Therefore, Trump.
They really don’t. I would pick apart Anna’s paragraph on the things wrong, or “queasy”, about Clinton and how each and every one of them apply to Obama as well, but it really shouldn’t be necessary simply because of the fact that some people don’t (or refuse to) understand that we have a chance for a liberal SCOTUS…
If you enjoyed voting for Obama and have even remotely approved of his administration, then you should feel the same way about voting for Clinton.
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
Godwin was quick today
“Who said you can’t achieve sainthood while looking the other way when kids are being molested?”
No way. He said from day 1 of his coaching career he was only doing 3 years and that was with a team that had Reggie Miller and was a title contender.
Well he certainly didn’t turn himself into a NFL QB.
Agreed. I’m kinda legit worried... I don’t like how either has been campaigning lately.
As long as the Democrats quibble over issues and not VD, I’m fine with a prolonged fight. Now that we have a Trumpian on the GOP side, both Hillary and Bernie need to hone some skills.
The difference is that Hillary was running to try to actually win in 2008, while Bernie got into the race to try to get a message out and be a more liberal voice. He was, I think, always planning on sticking it out as an underdog for as long as possible. That he managed to become a serious candidate was, I think, kind…
Kelly Olynyk knew.
Did it ever occur to you, that the employment at tech companies is pretty much what the market offers at the moment? Has anyone ever complained about the imbalance at hard labor jobs (coal miners, waste collectors, truck drivers, construction workers etc.). Without doing a google search, I guesstimate it at about 95%…
I’ve never examined one myself but tell me, what does the inside of a gift horse’s mouth look like?
What is with the tone of this article, particularly the article? Do you have an ideological opposition to tech companies? They do something you support like give generous family leave, and you still sorta shoehorn something in about how it only benefits these tech bros you hate so much.
What’s the hand-wringing about? What should those tech companies do instead? Wait with the family leave programs until there is gender parity in the tech industry? Not offer paid family leave to men at all (*sorry dudes, no paid family leave for people with penises, but we still want you to be more involved in nursing…