
My my... how quick you were to get defensive.

Given what we all have learned about you I can say I am not surprised.

I am going to play the odds that one of them will rise again and eventually play in a pro bowl.

Seems pretty common sense solution to a real world problem.

Wait... this is a thing?

Lots of shit to be seen here, but that list of demands is cringeworthy.

I laughed and didn’t feel bad about it. Here’s why:

Fired just before his first year was finished eh?

How dare he seek to promote himself at an unsavory time... wait... how did the Kardashian clan get famous again?

I would imagine being a contract employee matters here.

Productive members of society not perpetually chained to a bottle of Paxil. ;)

Yeah... no.

I wonder how much semen the car contains.


Too bad for all, it turned out women like black men the most!

This is a helluva way to help solve our Social Security solvency problem.

As a man... all I can say is thank god for these assholes.

Consider that OkC is primarily for finding people to plow.

Date who you want, personal preference is not to be shamed. It is fair game to mock someone when their personal preference results in them always being single.

So would men in an attempt to sleep with the drivers (consentually).